some info about the tags I am using

Uploaded observations 1970-1995 may be without photos, or with photos of collection specimens. But they are all my own, and referring to the observation of a live animal. Whenever possible, I used labels for light sources and high altitudes.

elevation 2800-3000m
elevation 2600-2800m
elevation 2400-2600m
elevation 2200-2400m
elevation 2000-2200m

label (in German).............. = (in English)

superaktinische Röhre.......superactinic tube
Mischlicht.............................self ballasted Mercury lamp
Hg-Lampe.............................Mercury lamp
Petromax...............................pressurized kerosene lamp
Heath trap
UV-Energiesparlampe........UV energy saving bulb
ETH Lichtfalle (Hg).............light trap, operated by Entomology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Pheromonfalle......................phereomone trap
Strassenbeleuchtung..........street lights
Beob 23 24 01......................Observation time 23 to 01 o'clock
Beob ( 20 21 ) 22 23...........Light on from 20 to 23 o'clock, personal attendance only 22-23 o'clock

If you see the label "date shift -1day" that means that the date is correct, but this part of the night traditionally is counted to the previous date. This is important for time series and night-to-night comparisons. A moth seen 5 minutes before midnight and the same moth seen 5 minutes after midnight should be only one observation! Not sure how to solve this in iNat...

Posted on January 8, 2021 08:42 AM by amzamz amzamz



Posted by jasonrgrant almost 4 years ago

Lets say it was today you found the moth - The solution is to write 12:00 19 feb 2022 or the 12:00 of the same night.

Posted by aaravmishra over 1 year ago

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