Community Guidelines

Welcome to iNaturalist! iNaturalist is a global community of people who record observations of other organisms and share them with each other so all of us can learn more about the natural world. We all want iNat to be a fun, helpful, and relaxed place to be, so we (Ken-ichi and the other site staff) wrote the original guidelines with extensive input from the community to describe what we consider good and bad behavior, and they have been updated and amended by staff since then. These are not a replacement for our Terms of Use, and with the exception of a few items marked with a (!), these are not hard and fast rules. They are guidelines and heuristics for how we should conduct ourselves on iNaturalist. These guidelines do not address our behavior beyond iNaturalist.

Keep in mind that staff may, at their discretion, remove content that we deem harmful to iNaturalist’s community or data quality. This includes intentionally false content, machine generated content, content created by sockpuppet accounts, hate speech, pornography, and the like.

Suspendable Offenses

Let’s just get these out of the way at the start. Any of these behaviors are grounds for immediate suspension without warning.

Things That Are OK

Occasionally contentious behaviors that are actually encouraged or, at worst, forgivable.

Tone & Attitude

Good Form

Suggested practices for civil engagement.

Tools for Dealing With Problems

Revised on August 6, 2024 06:45 PM by tiwane tiwane