Coming Soon to the Heard Museum and Sanctuary…

Soon this glossy privet will have an important question to ask itself: "Do I feel lucky?" The date was set for May 16, but I fear that will have to be reset as the Covid-19 pandemic unwinds. But sometime before long I will be teaching my girdling techniques at the Blackland Prairie Master Naturalists' Third at the Heard—their Third Saturday Nature Talks at the Heard Museum. The talk begins at 9:30 a.m. Unless you are a member of the Heard, you do have to pay for admission to the museum, but once you're in the talk and workshop are free.

I will do my best to keep the talk to less than an hour, because the real fun will be when we go outside for a hands-on workshop. Many glossy privets on the grounds of the wildlife sanctuary—as many as we can reach—will learn the peril of the girdling knife on that day.

And so the little privets won't feel neglected, I will bring my suite of uprooting tools, too.

Posted on March 9, 2020 03:16 AM by baldeagle baldeagle


Nice work taking care of those invasives 🙌👍

Posted by conboy over 4 years ago

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