I saw a live badger tonight!!!

At 10:45pm tonight I was on highway 190 heading west in Death Valley National Park, just passing the turnoff for Echo Canyon, but closer to the Inn, and slowing down as the road gets really curvy. I turn a right hand corner and my headlights flash upon a badger on the right shoulder, low to the ground, the white stripe on the head, dark brown also on its head, and its staring right at me. It was like that moment froze in time. A badger was on the side of the road! The road was really quiet with no cars so as immediately as I could I turned around and grabbed my phone ready to take a picture. But it was already gone. Super amazing though!!!! I’ve only seen 2 roadkilled badgers in my whole life....so I saw a live one tonight! I am so glad it didn’t run in front of me, that would have been bad. It was 83 degrees at 10:45pm. There are a lot of mesquite trees and also a year round spring in this area, so a good place where probably a lot of cool critters live. I hope I get to see another badger someday and get pictures of one! What an amazing animal!

Posted on October 20, 2020 06:45 AM by desertsolitude desertsolitude


Very cool! I've been fortunate to see live badgers 3 times and have photos of a badger and it's one youngster. I haven't posted it on here yet but will some day. I saw all three badgers plus the one kit in Kern County. I've seen photos of them in the desert so they seem to adapt to that kind of habitat. Good luck and I hope you find it. If you really want a photo you might have to stake out the location and wait...if you have the time.

Posted by naturephotosuze almost 4 years ago

That is amazing, and you even have seen a badger and it’s baby! Very cool. I can’t wait to see the pictures. Did you stake out their location and wait, or did you just happen to come across them?

Posted by desertsolitude almost 4 years ago

I realize I never answered your question. Actually a friend of mine found them as he was driving. They were near a den on the side of a hill next to the road. I wasn’t there at the time but I came up the next two days and just hung out by the side of the road and took long lens photos.

Posted by naturephotosuze over 1 year ago

That is so cool your friend saw that active badger burrow!

Posted by desertsolitude over 1 year ago

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