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A Key to the Eleodes Species of Southern California OUTDATED

Contact me with any issues you came across while using this key, if an the result seems incorrect tag me in the observation and I’ll have a look.

Updated key:

1 Mesofemora and metafemora dentate or subdentate...2
1’ Mesofemora and metafemora never dentate...4
2 Elytral punctures strongly muricate, rough...E. moesta
2’ Elytral punctures simple or slightly muricate, smooth...3
3 Pronotum widest anterior of middle, femoral spines large...E. armata
3’ Pronotum widest at middle, femoral spines small to medium sized...E. femorata
4 Pronotum cordate and constricted at base, elytra roughly sculptured and rounded at apex…subgenus Blapylis (soon to be genus Blapylis)
4’ Pronotum rarely cordate, and if pronotum constricted at base then elytra smooth or elytral apex attenuate or caudate…5
5 Body generally large, glabrous, and with profemur dentate (except potentially female E. adumbrata), if with setae then elytral apex attenuate…6
5’ Body generally small, though sometimes medium sized (or large in E. gigantea), elytra with setae or not, profemur mutic…14
6 Pronotum broad, humeral angles of elytra obsolete…E. grandicollis
6’ Pronotum broad or not, but if broad then elytral apex attenuate, humeral angles not obsolete…7
7 Elytra strongly sulcate…E. hispilabris
7’ Elytra not strongly sulcate…8
8 Pronotum more or less parallel sided…9
8’ Pronotum not parallel sided…11
9 Tibia notably curved, profemoral spine fairly blunt…E. subcylindrica
9’ Tibia curved only slightly, profemoral spine acute…10
10 Elytral apex with goove in between both elytra…E. discincta
10’ Elytral apex without goove in between both elytra…E. mexicana
11 Pronotum larger and wide…12
11’ Pronotum smaller and not wide…13
12 Pronotum two or more times wider than head…E. acuticauda
12’ Pronotum less than two times wider than head…E. dentipes
13 Pronotum widest anterior of middle, elytra glabrous…E. gracilis distans
13’ Pronotum widest at middle, elytra setose…E. adumbrata
14 Body covered in long, conspicuous setae…15
14’ Body glabrous or with inconspicuous setae…19
15 Third antennomere shortened…E. littoralis (soon to be Amphidora littoralis)
15’ Third antennomere not shortened…16
16 Size 13mm or more…17
16’ Size 12mm or less…18
17 Setae orange…E. osculans (soon to be Cratidus osculans)
17’ Setae black or grey…E. ursus (soon to be Cratidus rotundicollis)
18 Setae black…E. nigropilosa (soon to be Cratidus nigropilosus)
18’ Setae yellow…E. subdeplanata (soon to be Cratidus subdeplanatus)
19 Elytra with complex sculpturing…20
19’ Elytra smooth with simple punctures…22
20 Elytra with large tubercules, legs long, size larger…E. granosa
20’ Elytra with tubercules or not, but never large, legs not long, size smaller…21
21 Elytra tuberculate at least laterally…E. granulata
21’ Elytra papillose…E. papillosa
22 Size generally large, pronotum widest at middle…E. gigantea (soon to be Steneleodes gigantea)
22’ Size generally small, pronotum widest more or less anterior of middle…23
23 Body generally more robust, never very flattened, and legs never very long…E. carbonaria omissa
23’ Body nearly always slender, flattened, with long legs…24
24 Strial punctures larger than ones of intervals, pronotum more or less arcuate…E. californica (soon to be Metablapylis californica)
24’ Strial punctures subequal to ones of intervals, pronotum feebly arcuate…E. delicata (E. nevadensis) (soon to be Metablapylis nevadensis)

Posted on November 30, 2023 02:49 AM by eleodesthermopolis eleodesthermopolis


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