Fort Ord National Monument Precipitation Water Year 2023

National Weather Service Water Year Oct. 1, 2022 - Sep. 30, 2023
For WY 2023-2024
Precipitation MONTEREY AIRPORT (MTY) Elevation: 217'
Proxy for Ft Ord?

Summary of 1"+ events

1) 1.24 on 11/08/2022
2) 1.39 on 12/11/2022
3) 1.10 on 12/27/2022
4) 1.04 on 12/31/2022
5) 1.28 on 01/09/2023
6) 1.05 on 02/24/2023
7) 1.29 on 03/10/2023 this event finally caused Ostracod Pond to overflow... first time I am aware of since 1998

10/01/2022  0.00   0.00   *None of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) stations are a better proxy for 
                           the average precipitation on Ft Ord than the Monterey Airport in my opinion.  
                           Probably an average of the Ft Ord station (wind profiler north of the Marina
                           Airport) and the Monterey Airport values would approximate Fort Ord
                           National Monument better. But the NPS summaries are great!
                            Be aware that their Rain Year is DIFFERENT!

11/01/2022  0.11   0.11     NPS Oct Summary:

11/07/2022  0.36   0.47 
11/08/2022  1.24   1.71 
11/09/2022  0.30   2.01  
12/01/2022  0.28   2.29     NPS Nov Summary:
12/02/2022  0.09   2.38 
12/03/2022  0.54   2.92 
12/04/2022  0.54   3.46 
12/06/2022  0.13   3.59 
12/09/2022  0.08   3.67 
12/10/2022  0.76   4.43 

12/11/2022  1.39   5.82 
12/12/2022  0.99   6.81 

12/27/2022  1.10   7.91 
12/28/2022  0.03   7.94 
12/29/2022  0.11   8.05 
12/30/2022  0.05   8.10 
12/31/2022  1.04   9.14 
01/01/2023  0.10   9.24     NPS Dec Summary:
01/02/2023  0.01   9.25 
01/04/2023  0.07   9.32 
01/05/2023  0.85  10.17 

01/08/2023  0.54  10.71 
01/09/2023  1.28  11.99 
01/10/2023  0.39  12.38 
01/11/2023  0.12  12.50 

01/13/2023  0.10  12.60 
01/14/2023  0.60  13.20 
01/15/2023  0.18  13.38 
01/16/2023  0.48  13.86 
01/17/2023  0.01  13.87 
01/18/2023  0.00  13.87 
01/19/2023  0.17  14.04 
01/29/2023  0.08  14.12 

02/01/2023  0.00  14.12     NPS Jan Summary:

02/03/2023  0.09  14.21 
02/04/2023  0.01  14.22 
02/05/2023  0.17  14.39 
02/06/2023  0.02  14.41 

02/11/2023  0.36  14.77

02/22/2023  0.02  14.79                    Central California Comparison on 3/01/2023
02/23/2023  0.09  14.88                SINCE    OCT 01-      OCT 01-       OCT 01-  OCT 01-
02/24/2023  1.05  15.93                MIDNITE  MAR 1        MAR 1         MAR 1    SEP 30
                         STATION       TOTAL    2023    PON  2022     PON  NORMAL   NORMAL  
02/27/2023  0.63  16.56  -----------   -------  -----------  ------------  -------  -------
02/28/2023  0.36  16.92  SALINAS        0.00   10.59   116    6.18    68     9.11    12.58
03/01/2023  0.46  17.38  BARSTOW        0.05    1.83    76    1.01    42     2.41     3.77
                         PASO ROBLES    0.03   15.70   180    7.37    85     8.72    12.15
03/04/2023  0.32  17.70  SANTA MARIA    1.24   18.37   196    6.33    67     9.39    13.32
03/05/2023  0.33  18.03  LANCASTER      0.04    5.79   114    3.18    63     5.08     6.81
03/06/2023  0.00  18.03 *I included this bolded record to illustrate the extreme patchiness of the rainfall
03/07/2023  0.07  18.10  since December. On March 6th our East Campus location in Marina we received significant 
03/08/2023  0.34  18.44  rainfall several times while Salinas and the Monterey Airport received nothing. 
03/09/2023  0.23  18.67  Since the storms at the end of December we've been getting our rainfall, not in the 
03/10/2023  1.29  19.96  typical cold "fronts" of previous years, but either as thunderstorm like "squalls" or by
03/11/2023  0.02  19.98  being at the edge of one of the atmospheric rivers. As of March 6th, we never experienced
                         a direct hit as they have to the north, east, and south of us. Some areas in California have 
03/14/2023  0.33  20.31  >300% of normal, others have <75%. We are at 138% of normal for this time of year.**
03/15/2023  0.26  20.57

03/19/2023  0.43  21.00
03/20/2023  0.02  21.02     NPS Feb Summary:
03/21/2023  0.31  21.33
03/22/2023  0.99  22.32 

03/28/2023  0.31  22.63 
03/29/2023  0.28  22.91 
03/30/2023  0.08  22.99 

04/02/2023  0.04  23.03     NPS Mar Summary:

04/07/2023  0.03  23.06 

04/18/2023  0.03  23.09

05/01/2023  0.05  23.14     NPS Apr Summary:
05/02/2023  0.25  23.39 
05/03/2023  0.21  23.60
05/04/2023  0.02  23.62 
05/05/2023  0.03  23.65 
05/31/2023. 0.01. 23.66

06/01/2023  0.00  23.66     NPS May Summary:
06/06/2023. 0.15  23.81

07/01/2023  0.00  23.81     NPS Jun Summary:

08/02/2023  0.01  23.82     NPS Jul Summary:

09/03/2023  0.01  23.83     NPS Aug Summary:

09/09/2023  0.01  23.84 

09/30/2023  0.04  23.88     NPS Sep Summary:

Other Useful Measures of Precipitation
Map of some of the pools on Ft Ord

San Lorenzo River

Pajaro River at Chittenden

(1)  33.73 ft on 02/03/1998
(2)  33.11 ft on 04/03/1958
(3)  32.46 ft on 12/24/1955
(4)  32.20 ft on 03/11/1995
(5)  31.30 ft on 02/12/1938
(6)  29.53 ft on 01/03/1997
(7)  29.50 ft on 01/21/1909
(8)  28.60 ft on 02/22/1917
(9)  28.20 ft on 02/11/1922
(10) 28.03 ft on 03/02/1983

Salinas River at Spreckels

(1)  30.29 ft on 03/12/1995
(2)  26.51 ft on 02/26/1969
(3)  25.00 ft on 02/12/1938
(4)  24.60 ft on 01/13/2023 (P)
(5)  24.54 ft on 02/08/1998
(6)  23.90 ft on 02/08/1937
(7)  23.83 ft on 12/25/1955
(8)  23.44 ft on 03/03/1983
(9)  22.66 ft on 02/11/1978
(10) 22.46 ft on 04/04/1958
Carmel River Big Sur River
Posted on February 5, 2023 12:05 AM by hkibak hkibak


Good thinking, I believe Marina Airport would be a better proxy, since the rainfall can be surprisingly variable in the area, but I'd have to refresh my memory on how to access that data, if it is available (I think I've accessed in on Wunderground in the past).

It's maybe possible the UC FONR has a rain gauge, or that a local researcher like Dan Fernandez maintains a private one they might be willing to share data from.

I'll look into it when I have a chance, since I've been pretty curious about some reliable rain accumulation data as well.

It should be a banner year for wildflowers as I see it--fingers crossed!

Posted by yerbasanta over 1 year ago

Thanks for asking around! No rush... Just would like to capture it since October 1. And yes, I haven't been able to get anything from the Marina Airport for about 15 years.

Posted by hkibak over 1 year ago

I spent a little more time looking for online precipitation data for Fort Ord from reliable sources without luck.
Only MTY and SAP (over in Salinas) seem to be functioning. There were three stations on Ft Ord run by the Forest Service or the Army and all three appear defunct. Nothing from the Marina Airport anymore. The old data I used to get access to was via Naval Postgraduate School and it looks like they shut down their station over there.

Posted by hkibak over 1 year ago

Met data is definitely still being collected by the NPS from the Wind Profiler just north of the Marina Airport. I have found summaries that include recent data from that station. But I have yet to find a direct link.

Posted by hkibak over 1 year ago

I travel too much :-)
Unless it was one of those hi tech ones ;-)

Posted by hkibak over 1 year ago

Hmm..I've heard of a 'tipping' gauge I think. If you rigged it up to a Raspberry Pi, something something'd tell you a cumulative volume, though it probably wouldn't be terribly granular unless it's raining a ton.

Posted by yerbasanta over 1 year ago

That's interesting... I have a Raspberry Pi that's not being used now. Looks like a project that might be within my reach. But you gave me an idea... In terms of long term perennial health I think it's the 18" soil moisture content that's key... it's one of the reasons the soil conservation service has those 4" and 18" monitors scattered around the country in dryland agricultural areas. Maybe it would be cool to get something like this going on Ft Ord

Posted by hkibak over 1 year ago

Wow, that's a really cool idea, I had no idea that type of system existed off the shelf. 20 years with no battery replacement?

Must be a bit expensive I imagine, but if not, the scientific possibilities are pretty great I imagine.

For the Raspberry Pi, I realized just now reading your comment that you probably wouldn't even need to do the programming since I'm sure someone has shared the code for this or a similar application.

Posted by yerbasanta over 1 year ago

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