2023 Goals Recap 2024 New Goals.

My goals for 2023 were,
To help Christi complete her counties of Idaho.
1000 research grade species on iNaturalist.
To add at least 10 new species each in Mammals, Birds, Fish, Amphibians & Reptiles plus at least 25 new plants & insects on iNaturalist.
350 lifetime bird species. (23 new species for the year)
300 lifetime birds for Idaho. (Need 29 new species)
A checklist every day on Ebird and an observation every day on iNaturalist.
As my goals for 2023 were big, I did not meet all my goals, but I feel I still had a very good year. I did help Christi get one more county. I made 8540 observations with 5559 of them being research grade (65.1%) on 2 January 2024. With a goal of 1000 research grade species, I only had 792 species research grade, 79.2%.
I added 21 new bird species to iNaturalist but only added 5 fish, 4 mammals, 3 amphibians, and 2 reptiles. Not so productive there. I did add 52 species of insects and 80 species of plants, at least doubling my goals in both those areas.
I added seven species to my life list of birds but lost a species also. My life list is now 333. I added Pine Grosbeak, Swamp Sparrow, Ancient Murrelet, Dickcissel, Upland Sandpiper, Plumbeous Vireo, and White-throated Sparrow. The Cordilleran and Pacific-slope Flycatchers were lumped back into the Western Flycatcher. I needed 29 new species in Idaho to get to the total of 300. I found 8, they are the Pine Grosbeak, Swamp Sparrow, Ancient Murrelet, Dickcissel, White-throated Sparrow, Pygmy Nuthatch, Juniper Titmouse, and Tricolored Blackbird.
I had at least one checklist everyday on Ebird for a total of 1502 checklists and I posted at least one observation a day on iNaturalist. Goal met!
My Goals for 2024
350 lifetime bird species. (Need 17 new species)
300 lifetime birds for Idaho. (Need 21 new species)
500 New research grade species on iNaturalist (Especially a Newt/Salamander)
Improve my research grade percentage on fungi. 2023 was 12.3% with 14 species reaching research grade.
A nice new large carnivore such as a bear, wolf, or large cat would be nice too.

Posted on January 2, 2024 01:33 PM by jamesjarrett00 jamesjarrett00


Wow, nice job with the daily uploads! And the new insect and plants species!

Posted by firelilysackett 9 months ago

Thank you, it was very involved for sure.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 9 months ago

So I thought I would do updates at the end of each month in 2024 to see how my stats for 2023 change over time. So as of 31 Jan 2024, 5618/8540 = 65.8% research grade. 807 research grade species. Fungi 42/269 = 15.6% research grade with 18 species.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 8 months ago

A day late. 1 Mar 24. 5667/8540 = 66.4% research grade. 811 research grade species. Fungi 43/269 research grade with 18 species.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 7 months ago

3 days late. oops. 3 Apr 24. 5700/8540 = 66.7 research grade. 820 research grade species. Fungi 43/269 research grade with 18 species.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 6 months ago

1 May 2024 5732/8540 = 67.1% research grade, 831 research grade species. Still going up. Fungi 43/269 with 18 species research grade. No movement on fungi since March.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 5 months ago

22 June 2024. I've been working so an update on time has been a little difficult. So here it is 5761/8540 = 67.5% research grade, 843 research grade species. Still no change on fungi.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 4 months ago

31 July 2024. 5770/8540 = 67.6% research grade, 845 research grade species. No change to fungi.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 2 months ago

2 Sep 2024 5788/8540 = 67.8% research grade, 847 research grade species. And again no change to fungi.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 about 1 month ago

2 Oct 2024 5817/8540 = 68.1%, 854 research grade species. No change to fungi.

Posted by jamesjarrett00 5 days ago

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