
@psyllidhipster @feistyone
I decided to continue the discussion from https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/9783547 so as not to flood the observer with notifications from comments.

So far I've translated the description for Poekilloptera aurantiaca, once I translate the rest i'll put them in the comments.

Poekilloptera aurantiaca:
P. phalaenoides [is] similar and only distinguished by the fact that the body and the cover wing are orange-yellow colored. The black spots on the deck-wings form several slow-moving slow of the costa and clavus-corium seam and in the clavus while the middle of the corium and the apicalthel are unspotted. The wings are also reddish. The end-half of the four front rails and the tarsen, as well as the spikes of the spiked ones, blackened behind. Otherwise as in P. phalaenoides*.
Length: 20 mm.
South America, Chile (2 specimens (female) in the Museum in Bremen.)
*I assume "as in" means that all other parts of the planthopper that are not mentioned are also on P. phalaenoides.
*'four front rails' probably identifies the legs.

Posted on December 17, 2018 02:28 AM by kemper kemper


Poekilloptera aperta:
Poekilloptera aperta [,] different from P. phalaenoides in that the body is colored straw-yellow like the deck-balls and also the orange-yellow color of the base of the costal-present and only a small group of four to five points on the disc of the corium behind the middle in the sutrual cell of clavus several points and a longish stain on the seats, which fills the whole top. Milk white [is] the guaranteed features as in phalaenoides.
Length: 20 mm
South America, Amazon (2 specimens in my collection).
Sorry if the translation comes out weirdly.

Poekilloptera suturata: The P. phalaenoides equally formed. Body and the base of the costal membrane orange-yellow. The black color of the topflag is very outgrown, filling out the cells so that the spots have a quadrangular shape. The whole flat surface of the cover-wing is occupied with these spots, only a more or less wide hemisphere of the apical rim is free of them. Even at the base of the costal membrane, there are some small black spots for. Milk whites The rails in their whole extent, as well as the tarsen of the four front legs, the tips of the thorns of the hind legs and the claw-giled black. Due to the strong dark color between which the white veins clearly emerge, this species is especially characterized.

Length: 23-25 ​​mm.
South America, Bolivia (2 specimens in my collection).
Var. pantherina m. The black drawing of the cells goes to the apicalrande (Musuem in Geneva)

Posted by kemper almost 6 years ago

Poekilloptera phalaenoides

Body orange yellow. Forehead longer than wide, the sides slightly bent, sharpened, the forehead flat to the vertex, keeled in the middle. Feelers short. Ocellen are missing. Pronotum slightly bent at the front, covering the vertex, in the middle weakly keeled, at the anterior end of the keel a triangular impression. Small triangular, strongly arched, with three weak long claws. Covering wing twice as long as wide, rounded off evenly in the back. The costal membrane at the base strongly dilated, narrowed at the back, half as fried as the costalzelle, crossed by a few transverse nerves. The costal cells are interspersed with transverse nerves, which form large cells. Longitudinal nerves not densely branched, more veined before apicalrande. Through numerous simple transverse nerves large cells are formed in which there is a round black spot. These spots are present in the sutural cell of the clavus and throughout the corium, with the exception of the costal membrane and the apical part of the cap. The basic color of the top wing is white, the base of the orange orange yellow. Milk whites Abdomen and legs yellowish, the end half of the splints and the tarsen of the four front legs, the tips of thorns and the claw member of the hind legs black.
A very common art.
Length: ♂️ 18 mm, ♀️ 25 mm, wingspan ♂️ 35 mm, ♀️ 45 mm
South and Central America, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Brazil (represented in almost all museums)

Posted by kemper almost 6 years ago

Poekilloptera fritillaria

The P. phalaenoides similar and perhaps only a varietalt* of the same. The body and the base of the costal membrane are orange-yellow in color. Covering wing yellowish-white, only provided with four to five small black dots at the base of the cover wing. In the sutural cell of the clavus two to three points and in the sutural cell of the corium a row of three to five points. Milk whites [,t]he other features as in phalaenoides. Poekilloptera phalaenoides. The anallappen (anal lobe) very large, orange-yellow, on the back of the body flaky white secret (secretion?)
Length: 25 mm, wingspan 43 mm.
Central America, Chiriqui (2 specimens in my collection).

*P. fritillaria could simply be a variation of P. phalaenoides.

Posted by kemper almost 6 years ago

Poekilloptera minor

P. phalaenoides similar, but both [are] sexes smaller. Forehead orange-yellow, not keeled, the margins of the page rounded and sharpened. Clypeus yellowish-white. Pronotum and small plate, as well as the base of the cotalmembran orange-yellow. Overlord ovalish, yellowish-white, with black round spots in the cells, several irregular rows along the costal membrane, and near the corium clavus and in the clavus, while the middle of the corium and the apical part are unspotted. The abdomen and legs are yellowish-white, the end-half of the four frontal planes, the tarsen, and also the tips of the thorns of the rails of the hind-legs are black. Of P. phalaenoides ♂️ different only by the smaller stature and not keeled forehead.
Maybe just a varietat of P. phalaenoides.
♂️ ♀️. Length 15 mm, span 25mm.
South America, Cayenne, Pillault (Example's in the K.K Hofmuseum in Vienna and in the museum's in Brussel's and Paris)

Posted by kemper almost 6 years ago

If anyone tracks done Jacobi's description of this genus, please notify me.

Posted by kemper almost 6 years ago

@kemper Oh, that is so awesome!!! I sure am glad that you learned German! I'm glad you decided to do a journal entry for this genus--pretty cool!!

Posted by feistyone almost 6 years ago

awesome! thanks for doing this, i'll look into these in a bit. I also find it interesting how some of the more technical science terms translate literally to other languages. ie Deckflügel, literally cover wing = the tegmina.

Still looking for Jacobi 1904..

Posted by psyllidhipster almost 6 years ago

@kemper if you dont mind I'm going to repost some of my earlier comments from the other post here just so everything is in one place and we don't have to blow up that poor guy's notifications on the other post. I also found some interesting things which I'll detail after the reposted key

Theoretically valid names
Poekilloptera aurantiaca (Melichar, 1901)
Poekilloptera fritillaria (Erichson, 1848)
Poekilloptera melichari (Jacobi, 1904)
Poekilloptera miliaria (Jacobi, 1904)
Poekilloptera minor (Melichar, 1901)
Poekilloptera modesta (Guérin-Méneville, 1834)
Poekilloptera phalaenoides (Linné, 1758)
Poekilloptera sicula (Costa, 1840)

Melichar 1901 Key

translated key:

1 tegmina yellowish-white, with black dots or square spots. Wings milk white 2

tegmina orange-yellow, with black dots on the basal half. Wings reddish. Length 20 mm. South America. aurantiaca

2 The base of the costal membrane orange yellow 3

The base of the costal membrane as the tegmina yellowish white. Length 20 mm. South America. aperta

3 The points in the cells of the cover wings are roundish 4

The dots in the cells of the upper wings are quadrangular, the cells almost completely filling. Length 23 - 25mm. South America. suturata

4 The points are distributed irregularly over the whole surface of the cover wings. Length 25 mm. South and Central America. phalaenoides

The points are only in the basal half 5

5 forehead in the middle. A few points at the root of the top wings. Length 25 mm. Central America. fritillaria

forehead without middle keel. Several rows of points along the Costa and Clavus-Corium near, as well as in the clavus, the middle part unglazed. Length 15 mm. South America, Cayenne. minor

I commented earlier how it's interesting that P. suturata and P. fritillaria were eventually synonomized despite apparently being completely different according to this key. I have since discovered that P. fritillaria sensu Melichar 1901 is in fact NOT P. fritillaria sensu Erichson 1848. Melichar's concept of P. fritillaria is a different species, one which Jacobi later renamed P. melichari.

That leaves is with the following names, and where to find them:
Poekilloptera aurantiaca (Melichar, 1901) included in Melichar 1901
Poekilloptera fritillaria (Erichson, 1848) included in Melichar 1901 as P. suturata
Poekilloptera melichari (Jacobi, 1904) included in Melichar 1901 as P. fritillaria (misidentified)
Poekilloptera miliaria (Jacobi, 1904)
Poekilloptera minor (Melichar, 1901) included in Melichar 1901
Poekilloptera modesta (Guérin-Méneville, 1834) this may be nomen nudem or otherwise invalid, I need to verify
Poekilloptera phalaenoides (Linné, 1758) it is unclear to me if Melichar's description accurately referred to this species, but until proven otherwise I will assume so
*P. phalaenoides aperta Melichar 1901 included in Melichar 1901 as P. aperta
Poekilloptera sicula (Costa, 1840)

Posted by psyllidhipster almost 6 years ago


So FLOW incorrectly cites Jacobi 1904 (they list another one of his 1904 publications instead) and http://dmitriev.speciesfile.org/ just doesn't cite it at all, but I eventually found the citation in Metcalf's 1954 Homooptera catalog (here, if you're interested). From that citation I was able to track down the original publication, and since it's old enough it is archived online.

I'll contact Thierry Bourgoin at FLOW later to resolve some of these issues, but for the time being, take a look:


and there are illustrations!!!

Posted by psyllidhipster almost 6 years ago

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