Bay Area iNat Happy Hour, Dec. 15, Lost & Found in Oakland

Hey folks, following our last happy our in SF, we're doing another in Oakland:

Tuesday December 15, 2015
5pm - 7pm (or however long you want to stay)
Lost & Found
2040 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94612
b/t 21st St & 20th St

It's only a few blocks from 19th St. BART, so hopefully relatively accessible. Anyway, summon the troops! A semi-random list of people I can think of in or around the East Bay:


Please spread the word!

Posted on December 4, 2015 07:06 PM by kueda kueda


I would love to join you guys!

Posted by folini almost 9 years ago

Yes, all are welcome!

Posted by kueda almost 9 years ago

what is this about? a naturalists day? group hiking?

Posted by bluebird101 almost 9 years ago

If someone has access to a sloth, please bring one we can debauch.

Posted by tiwane almost 9 years ago

@bluebird101, just drinks with iNaturalist folks at a local pub so people can meet each other in person.

Posted by kueda almost 9 years ago

It's so close to my house! But I'll be getting back from a trip that I hope to make it. Also - didn't know about other one...

Posted by screws almost 9 years ago

sound good

Posted by bluebird101 almost 9 years ago

Neat! I will almost certainly be there

Posted by primalux almost 9 years ago

Dangit. Teaching my last mushroom class that night. Next time!

Posted by leptonia almost 9 years ago

@tiwane Debauched Sloth should be the name of an iNat members sludge metal band.

Posted by leptonia almost 9 years ago

Sounds too good to miss! great idea
Observations will be made....

Posted by mkoo almost 9 years ago

I would love to come but I won't be back in town until the 19th.

Posted by belinda almost 9 years ago

will be there!

Posted by acollins almost 9 years ago

oh darn it! I'll be heading to Chicago that day! :/

Posted by joelle almost 9 years ago

@dpom, @anudibranchmom, @sea-kangaroo, @metsa, @tomv, @robberfly, and anyone else on the other side of the Bay who came last time, if you're interested in schlepping it out to Oakland, this is happening on Tuesday!

Posted by kueda almost 9 years ago

and to think I almost missed out. I will try and make the gathering of the tribes.

Posted by taj almost 9 years ago

I'll be there! Possibly with some friends in tow.

(Are sloths the optimal debauchimals, or will other xenarthrans do?)

Posted by sea-kangaroo almost 9 years ago

Xenarthrans of any stripe will do. I was referencing Patrick O'Brian's great Aubrey-Maturin books, which everyone should read.

"what is the matter with the sloth?" It was curled on Jack's knee, breathing heavily: its bowl and Jack's glass stood empty on the table. Stephen picked it up, peered into its affable, bleary face, shoot it, and hung it upon its rope. It seized hold with one fore and one hind foot, letting the others dangle limp, and went to sleep.
Stephen looked sharply round, saw the decanter, smelt to the sloth, and cried, "Jack, you have debauched my sloth."

Posted by tiwane almost 9 years ago

Lol! And that reminds me of the pet rock hyrax from Born Free:
"She was a vegetarian but had a craving for alcohol, and for the strongest spirits at that; she would pull the bottle over, extract the cork, and swig the liquor."

Posted by sea-kangaroo almost 9 years ago

Great to see and/or meet y'all!

My friends enjoyed themselves a lot; as they said afterwards "it's nice to talk to people who go outside"!

Posted by sea-kangaroo almost 9 years ago

It was nice to meet you all in person!
Thank you Ken-ichi for organizing this iNat Happy-Hour.

Posted by folini almost 9 years ago

Here's Tony's photo of the crew early on:

from his journal post. Not pictured are @acollins, @rhislop, @loloscheiner, and @adrained, who showed up later. Thanks for coming out, everyone! Next time... South Bay?

Posted by kueda almost 9 years ago

Where's the photo of everyone after 5 beers? :P So bummed I missed it. Can we have it at Little Shamrock near CalAcademy next time? Love that place!

Posted by joelle almost 9 years ago

I once spent at least an hour, very drunk, watching house mice raid the popcorn machine at The Little Shamrock (I used to live over there). It's still all I can think of when I think of that place.

Also I can't believe I missed this meetup. I got up at 5 am to go take a final and then came home and fell asleep. Woke up around 3 and completely forgot that it was happening.

Posted by primalux almost 9 years ago

So cool! :)

Posted by sambiology almost 9 years ago

Oh no! I only just saw this now - next time for sure

Posted by heathermarie almost 9 years ago

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