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Leafminers - uncropped photo problems
Excerpt from the Forum topic

"The Computer Vision has made impressive progress in learning to identify leaf mines since I started identifying them on iNat a few years ago. But lately I’ve noticed that it’s been going a bit too far: observations of plants that happen to be hosts of commonly observed leafminers are getting identified as the leafminer species, even when there are no leaf mines at all in the photos. In some cases the CV isn’t even giving the plant ID as a suggestion anymore. Some examples include photos of Arctium being identified as Liriomyza arctii, Ilex opaca being identified as Phytomyza ilicicola, Impatiens capensis identified as Phytoliriomyza melampyga, and thistles as Phytomyza spinaciae. This problem probably began with an abundance of observations that aren’t adequately cropped, showing a tiny leaf mine in a sea of unmined leaves."

Posted on August 19, 2024 12:08 AM by woolcarderbee woolcarderbee


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