Southern african selenopids. How to distinguish between genera Anyphops and Selenops

Complicated a bit by two authors seemingly using different notations for the eyes, but I think I can figure out what they mean.

Selenops: wider than long
Anyphops: barely wider than long or barely longer than wide

Selenops: AER straight or slightly recurved, the median eyes about the same size as the lateral ones in the row of 4.
Anyphops: AER recurved, the median eyes smaller than lateral eyes in the row of 4.

Tibiae I and II
Selenops: 3 pairs of ventral spines
Anyphops: 4-7 pairs of ventral spines

Metatarsi I and II:
Selenops: 2 pairs of ventral spines
Anyphops: 3 pairs of ventral spines.

Leg ratios:
Selenops: Leg formula by Benoit (1968) 4 : 3 = 2 : 1. Corronca (2005) says Leg II usually > Leg IV (echoed in ADS 2014)
Anyphops: Leg formula in ADS 2014 notation: 4-3-2-1
(The relative leg lengths are difficult to judge from most photographs anyway)

More on the eyes:
Redrawn from Benoit (1968)
The differences are sometimes quite subtle.

My interpretation:
In the frontal view, if you connect the centres of the PME's and the line does not cut through any part of the AME's, you got yourself an Anyphops!

With Selenops, the AER is really made op of 6 eyes, but we are interested in the row of 4, bigger eyes directly above the clypeus. They are almost the same size.

With Anyphops, the middle pair is normally smaller than the pair flanking them. In Benoit (1968) notation it is stated as AME < ALE
"les yeux antérieurs médians normalement plus petits que les antérieurs latéraux".
In Corronca (2002) notation (that I used in the image above) it would be stated as AME < PME">

Benoit, P. L. G. (1968). The African Selenopidae north of the 17th parallel South and the reclassification of the African species of the family (Araneae). Journal of African Zoology and Botany 77(1-2): 113-141.

Corronca, J. A. (2005). Re-description of the lycosiformis species group of Anyphops Benoit and description of two new species (Araneae, Selenopidae). Journal of Natural History 39(17): 1381-1393

Posted on October 24, 2023 10:51 AM by wynand_uys wynand_uys


Thanks Wynand, this is helpful!

Posted by cecileroux 12 months ago

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