Craig Carlton Dremann

Joined: Apr 24, 2020 Last Active: Oct 10, 2024 iNaturalist

My company, "The Reveg Edge" P.O. Box 361, Redwood City, CA 94064 was established in 1992 to restore native grasslands, primarily to unearth dormant 100-250 year old native seeds in the soils that still exist underneath weeds in California. By inventing a 3-4 year process, have been finding 30-100 species sleeping in soils, that sprout up at the rate of 10-20 seedlings per square inch when the correct conditions are provided. The Woodside plant photos, are plants that have been unearthed in only four years, that have not been seen by the local residents for at least 60 years.

Wherever dormant native wildflower and native grass seeds are no longer present in the soil, like Great Basin sagebrush areas that are infested with cheatgrass, then I invented methods to replant the native seeds, so that the allelochemical produced by the native plants suppressed the cheatgrass seedlings, to produce 100% native cover within six months. See

Ancient 100-250 year old dormant native grass and native wildflower seeds, probably exist in the soils all over the Western USA, and also in other arid former grasslands areas, like Arabia, the Middle East, north Africa, western India, and western China, and could be unearthed if the proper conditions provided.

Adding photos to this iNaturalist could be a very fun exercise, but why stop there?

What every person who adds a photo, should take a 100 square yards, or 100 square meters of former grassland habitat in their local area, and try to get it back as close to 100% native cover as possible?

Intact grassland habitats with diversity, has become the rarest plant community on the planet, because for hundreds and thousands of years, we love to plow them up to grow our crops, and we love to let our grazing animals munch them to the dust?

By restoring only 100 square meters of a local grassland, may become those plant and animals' only and last refugium for their survival in the area, and also could be the only source of local genetic material for future ecological restoration project in the area.

For example, on the Woodside preserve where my photos were taken, only two stands of the buckwheat exists and only one stand of the coyote mint exists, and only two stands of the Yampah exists on the 15 acres, and those are the only examples of those three species for miles in any direction.

We stole the rest of the land from the Native Peoples and around these plants, for homes for 8 million people, then used the rest of the grasslands for grazing cattle, until the cows ate those plants, and converted the native grasslands to 99.999% covered European weed fields.

If we are going to try and continue to be a thriving species on this planet, we need to start restoring the grasslands and former grassland habitats that are now deserts, and utilize the grasses to store that excess CO2 that we are producing, and to insulate the barren hot desert soils, and provide habitat for the other species that need a place to thrive also, and help cool the planet so we can all continue-successfully into the future? See

My proposal was written in 2002 and adopted by the Saudi government in August 2010 to replant natives on 500 million acres of land that was set aside as Ecological Restoration Preserves. In 2021 the planting got started as the "Saudi Green Initiative" with one million trees per WEEK, until 10 BILLION are planted.

Then His Majesty the Saudi Crown Prince at the 2022 COP27 meeting led 24 countries as the "Middle East Green Initiative" to now plant 50 BILLION trees together, including the UK, China and Pakistan. View that meeting and the 500 million acres is mentions at 2 minutes and 30 seconds as the "200 million hectares" at

dremann is not following anyone.