Sotirios Liakas Curator

Joined: Aug 9, 2020 Last Active: Oct 7, 2024 iNaturalist Greece

Autodidact in recognition of living beings & keen on learning a lot through the community.
I'm a person who wants to contribute to science.
I currently am a B.Sc. Life Sciences Biology student at the TU Munich. My favourite places on earth are the subtropical ones because of their special climate, flora and fauna (I love biodiversity hotspots). My favourite area is the East Mediterranean Sea (from Northern Greece to Cyprus) - and sometimes I also find myself in the Black Sea (especially in Crimea) because of the similar flora.

I like walking through fields photographing and discovering new things (even if it’s years later)!

I've been dealing with

  • Cicadidae (Cicada sp., Lyristes sp., Cicadatra/Psalmocharias sp., Tibicina sp., Oligoglena sp., Cicadetta sp, Dimissalna dimissa, Tettigetta, Tettigettula, Melmpsalta sp., Paharia sp.)
  • Amaryllidaceae (Narcissus, Sternbergia, Pancratium...)
  • Fabaceae (Vicia, Trifolium, Lathyrus, Hippocrepis, Glycyrrhiza, Colutea...)
  • Fagaceae (Quercus)
  • Lamiaceae (Sideritis, Stachys, Marrubieae...)
  • Malvaceae (Malva, Abutilon, Alcea)
  • Asparagales (Asparagus...)
  • Ericaceae (Arbutus, Erica sp.)

One current occupation of mine is writing down the flora and (cicado-)fauna of Oropos, the northernmost part of Attica, which is still less discovered than other Attican regions.

Click here for the Oropos Check List

Thanks to everyone for your observations!

Sotirios L.
Athens, Greece

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