Bioblitz Harms Woods with us!

Hey! You're tagged in this post because you've made at least 10 iNat observations within a 10 mile radius of Harms Woods Forest Preserve in Glenview, IL within the past year.

The Chicago Wilderness region is participating in the City Nature Challenge 2018 ( The CNC is a friendly competition between dozens of urban regions worldwide during the 96 hours between April 27-30th, 2018, to see who can make the most observations of nature, find the most species, and get the most people participating! Lots of events are going on that weekend in the region, including a mini bioblitz at Harms Woods on Sunday, April 29th from 9AM to 12PM. Harms is a diverse oak woodland situated along the North Branch of the Chicago River. One of the best spots for spring wildflower sightings on the North Branch, you will be able to explore ephemeral ponds, the river floodplain, and the gentle rise of a glacial moraine. Harms is also a great place to spot spring migratory birds, especially warblers.

Meeting place: at 9AM on Sunday, April 29th
It is the Glenview Woods parking lot. The lot is small (carpool if you can!), but overflow parking can be found at the picnic grove parking lot to the south: You can then walk north up the trail along the east side of the river to meet up with the group.

Check out for a full listing of regional events during this year's City Nature Challenge.

@adrienne_b @amaris @amybeanblossom @amybeanblossom @andriy @arieopteryx @ashleywold @benjaminshonfeld @birdnirder @bkossy @bkossy @bouteloua @carolt-80 @cindygrau @cindygrau @citymouse @coles-cavendish @cynthia_r @dan58 @dbild @deansy @deansy @debantlitz @dmcooperberg @droberts49 @dziomber @ekrimmel @elfaulkner @eluu @eriko @fumitaka @hollisg10 @hollisg10 @hudfrucci @hudfrucci @isaaclarkin @jacklousberg @jacklousberg @jbates606 @jbates606 @jennifersnyder @jetteth @jetteth @jfinch @jmmcclo @joelle @jordan41 @jordan41 @jpbobolink @jpc22_kratts @keeterscience @keeterscience @kennedy9094 @kkucera @kkucera @leenavilonen @marie25 @marie25 @markmalitz @markmalitz @marshmaiden @marystorino @marystorino @matt167 @matt167 @mepatter @missgreen @mollykunkle @mollykunkle @mushi @nathanglamb @naturalist1087 @nickv27 @norawestol @norawestol @nuthatch75 @nuthatch75 @owlcommander @paigelawless @paigelawless @paulroots @pedro157_chicagowilderness @peterkim @pnnmsp @prairieclover @preriesmoke @psweet @rachyrach @rbowe @rbowe @rgraveolens @riccardomarchingiglio @ryankiefer @saarahjunaid @saarahjunaid @samwerts @samwerts @sanguinaria33 @skrentnyjeff @sophiaremias @sunshineboudreaux @taran09 @thebals @thomasgrosmichelbanana @thunefeld @timidlittleturtle @trebol15 @tulalola @ukrainkadesigns @wanderinghaack @wanderinghaack @wesleybaker @wesleybaker @wyattwellehan @wyattwellehan

Posted on April 3, 2018 09:47 PM by bouteloua bouteloua


Very cool!

Posted by cynthia_r over 6 years ago

I plan to be out all 4 days, just like last year. I don't think I will be up to Harms though. You got that covered, I will make sure there are few birds being seen in the area at that time which don't make our list, or at least that is my hope.

Posted by skrentnyjeff over 6 years ago

Sounds cool! Thanks for letting me know.

Posted by paulroots over 6 years ago

Looking forward to it!

Posted by rgraveolens over 6 years ago

If a ton of experts come, might be good to blitz the harms area SE of the river.

Posted by debant over 6 years ago

It looks like the zone for the blitz has been expanded this year, yes? Last year the Chicago Nature Challenge only included Cook County. Have the regions been expanded for all of the cities?

Posted by rgraveolens over 6 years ago

@rgraveolens Dozens more cities are participating this year than last year. :) We decided to change the boundaries from just Cook County to the entire Chicago Wilderness region so that it reflects the entire metro area--that's how most other cities' boundaries were set.

Posted by bouteloua over 6 years ago

I would love to participate, but I'll be out of state on that day and be back sometime in the evening.
Thanks a lot for tagging me!

Looking forward to see your observations. I'll meet you on the next bioblitz!

Posted by riccardomarchingi... over 6 years ago

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