Chicago region events for the City Nature Challenge 2018

Less than one week to go! The City Nature Challenge 2018 starts at 12:01AM next Friday, April 27th and runs til midnight on Monday, April 30th. Results will be announced that Friday. Check out the new style to our project and hit that follow button if you haven't yet to get updates. Once we get going there will be cool stats displayed there. You can also follow the umbrella CNC project that shows all the participating regions.

Upcoming events for the City Nature Challenge in the Chicago Wilderness Region are below. All times are local (i.e. that 10AM event in Michigan is 9AM Chicago time!)

Saturday, April 28th

8AM: Sand Ridge Nature Center Bird Walk (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
8AM: Lincoln Park Zoo Mini BioBlitz (Illinois, Cook County, Northeast)
9AM: City Nature Challenge at the Evanston Ecology Center (Illinois, Cook County, Northeast)
10AM: Bioblitz Warren Woods (Michigan, Berrien County)
10AM: City Nature Challenge Bioblitz at Somme Woods (Illinois, Cook County, Northeast)
10AM: Rainbow Beach Dunes Bioblitz (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
10AM: Outdoor Adventures: Following Migration (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)

Sunday, April 29th

7:30AM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Birds (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
8AM: Bioblitz of Sand Ridge and Burnham Greenway (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
9AM: Bioblitz Harms Woods (Illinois, Cook County, North)
9:30AM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Plants-Soil Life-Mushrooms-Insects (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
10AM: Spring Flora Hike at Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See (Illinois, Kankakee County)
12PM: City Nature Challenge Perry Farm (Illinois, Kankakee County)
1PM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Trees (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
1PM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Aquatic Life (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
1PM: Scavenger Hunt at Gibson Woods (Indiana, Lake County)
4PM: Night Hike at Bob Mann Woods/Salt Creek Nature Preserve (Illinois, Cook County, Central/Southwest)

Full details for all these events are here:

See you out there. :)

folx with ≥ 10 observations in the Chicago Wilderness Region in the past 12 months:
@aaroncarlson @achang @adam_b @adamwardsell @airalcorn2 @alan_villalba @aleksmuller @alisonbraun @amaris @amybeanblossom @amyturner @andrea14 @andrewlindquist @andrewsaldrich @andrewstpaul @andriy @angelmi @annechw @annettem @anniep122 @arbor167 @arosie333 @aseeger @ashleyt2 @ashleywold @asolarte @astake @austinburoff @avalontile @b_sargeant @balsamgrommet @baxtercrowe @bbennett3 @beckyk @benjaminshonfeld @bg1159 @billieegads @bird_freak @birdnirder @bkossy @bmoneymaker @bnorlin22 @bouteloua @brendandcarson @brentmichalski @brittanyhull @brooklynfontana @bruce43 @bschrock2 @bufface @bwagner @bwsteward @cabinfever65 @camron_pg3 @cardnoclare @carolt-80 @carterobrien @caseymerkle @casteensa @casteensc @casteense @casteensg @casteensj @casteensk @casteensl @casteensn @cdawes @cghiotto @cgunnlents @charles18 @chriskozlak @cindygrau @citymouse @cjoll @clnoll @cmaso @coles-cavendish @corvusshade @cpdlauren @cqlanus @craigbillington @creativefinder @creaturekid @crusty @cwarneke @cweber1 @cynthia_r @d3038010661 @d_coulter @dan58 @danbuckler @danielmaisch @darryn @darwin11 @davidr @dayshinique @dcoldren @deansy @debantlitz @dhoebeke @diane45 @dlcarterksu @dog @donbocker @dorothybayern @driftlessroots @droberts49 @dsuarez @dustin29 @dwdwash90 @dylanfaughn @dylanw99 @dziomber @eattaway92 @educator_go @ekmoody @eknuth @ekrimmel @elana1 @elfaulkner @elliotgreiner @eluu @emily280 @emilyanne1296 @eminor @entrenet1 @ericalannan @eriko @erjanes93 @esp @ethankosdondlinger @evettegalvan_ @ewarden @farawaywolf @featherenthusiast @flexfolks @fpccoutreach1140 @fraz4919 @ggallupe13 @ggcouri @ggoatboy @gieserguy @gotta_be_the_very_best @gowillia @greenbergh @greg80 @gwen21001 @gyrrlfalcon @hayley511 @heatherbryant @heelsplitter @helen28 @hershbergers @hollisg10 @hollykatz @hudfrucci @idiaogbomoh @illinoisbotanizer @ingrid8 @irmela @isaac_krone @isaaclarkin @j_keating @jackassgardener @jackiemajdov @jacklousberg @janebaldwin @jasonsiegler @jbarthel @jbates606 @jeffcramer @jefferykarafa @jeffgrant @jennifersnyder @jennproud @jennykendler @jerr17 @jerrybrown219 @jerryhossli @jhowell @jimcarberry @jmanieson @jmb62 @jmclark617 @jmmcclo @jmn @jmpatton @joelle @joey24 @jonpaul @jordan41 @joseph8 @josephine7 @joshuaknutson @jpbobolink @justinjubert @jvreeland @jwhitenack @k1mberlyz @k3outdoors @kaarakallen @kafka1959 @kate88jm @katelynsbolds @kathleensoler2 @kbuck @kcaldwell22 @keeper @keeterscience @kellielachata @kelvin9 @kennedy9094 @kevapiva @kevinwhiteloyola @kgort26 @kimberleaf @kkucera @klaudiasowizral @knightericm @kristen57 @kstrain @kyreelong25 @laniarius @lauritalavette @lexie475 @lfinn1050 @lindemanzachary @lizchiparks @logan42 @lotsofheadbands @luis005 @lukaszhradecki @lumprvt @marapresley @marie25 @markmalitz @marniebaker @marshmaiden @marsieme @martinlucas @mary137 @marystorino @matt167 @mattmart @maximilianthenaturalist @mbeatty233 @mbf @mbrien @mepatter @mfs3168 @michaelszuter @missgreen @mjaberg @mjcarbs10 @mmcmasters @mmcnamee @mmog @mn2010 @molanic @mollykunkle @montanamike @moorschuster @mrpeagle @msaviola @nan-cee @nashuagoats @nate27 @nathanglamb @naturalheritage @naturalprairie @naturemuseumteens @nfurlan @nicksouza @nickv27 @nicothoe @norawestol @nuthatch75 @olchambers @oliviaburns @osagiearlette @owlwhisperer @paigelawless @palmera01 @patriciafojut @patrikl @paulefields @paulroots @pembrokeycc @pistodog @pitmaster @pnnmsp @pnnmyp @prairieclover @preriesmoke @psweet @puzzlemasta @rakesh2 @randomrover88 @randyshonkwiler @raquel_w @raverick819 @rbowe @regnar @rensweiler @retrofuturism @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @riccardomarchingiglio @ritafw @rjm2 @rmay @robustus_ @rubzzz @ruthstrutz @ryankiefer @ryanoconnor77 @saarahjunaid @sallydavis @samwerts @sandersreno @sanguinaria33 @sarahtheentwife @sasquier @sbeilke @scoobbi @scorchyru @sedge @seeslinger @shahista @sidb @skrentnyjeff @softserve @sophiaremias @staceyrecht @stealintv @stephasaurus @stevilkinevil @stormdaze @sunshineboudreaux @suzbot @swalquist @swampy @taco2000 @tamandua2 @tariqshihadah @taylward @tbell @tchakamaura @terrypie @themothergooz @thesnaguy @thismia @thomasgrosmichelbanana @threetrees @thunefeld @tianaelias @timidlittleturtle @timothyobrien @tippery @tkgoggin @trebol15 @treefahrner @tsc_wis @tulalola @tvalenzuela @tzdunek @urwhatueat @vanandelle @victor65 @vytukas @waguirre @wanderinghaack @wartellr @wesleybaker @whimbrelbirder @wilderless @wildernessbarbie @woodridgejeff @writemealetter @wyattwellehan @yes123 @yryzhik @zachar1 @zbolda @zoology123

Posted on April 20, 2018 07:22 PM by bouteloua bouteloua


Some great stuff, Cassi!!! Looking forward to seeing some great Chicago observations!

Posted by sambiology over 6 years ago

If we have a separate project for the place we are bioblitzing, should we add our observations to the Chgo Wildnerness Area Project? Or, is there a way to join projects?

Posted by swalquist over 6 years ago

All the observations will automatically get added to the Chicago Wilderness region project if they fall within the CW boundaries. Same for your project for Columbus Park. No need to manually add any observations to the project.

iNat just introduced a new style of project, so you might want to go in and edit yours to move it over to the new style (there's a link to move it over when you edit the project). Examples:

Posted by bouteloua over 6 years ago

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