Three Biologists Walk the same trail.

Three Biologists Walk the same trail at the same time. How can they see the wildlife so differently?

Paardeberg Trail above Kleinmond on Day 1 of the City Nature Challenge.

Alex - herpetologist

Tony - vegetation community ecologist

Pat - ecological consultant

Posted on May 6, 2024 07:52 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Some people are frog-blind and others are plant-blind ! Being short-sighted I'm ceratinly bird-blind.

Posted by botswanabugs 5 months ago

Hmmmm - only a herpetologist can see the frogs!

Posted by traianbertau 5 months ago

don't overlook that the herpetologist was aware of the crazy botanist behind whom was photographing every plant

Posted by alexanderr 5 months ago

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