Project Update 6: 2000+ members!

To my great surprise, I just realised it's been more than two and a half years since I last wrote a journal post for this project! Very lax of me, and apologies to all for the lack of more regular updates.

The project has been surging along, and we now have more than 7,000 observations, which is fantastic to see. We also recently surpassed 2,000 project members, thanks in part to some regular mentions of the project in recent iNat blog posts (eg observation of the week).

So for all the newer members, I'll run through the project rules again:

1 . Any observations you add must be the first photograph(s) of that species anywhere. If an observation is the first one for that species to be uploaded to iNat, but other photos of that species from an earlier point in time already exist anywhere elsewhere online/in print, then that observation should not be added to the project. This is the biggest source of observations that I have to remove from the project. So your observation must be both the first photograph of that species on iNat and also the first anywhere.

If you encounter an observation of a species that is older than one already in the project, add it, but please message me so I can remove the one that no longer qualifies as oldest.

2 . Your photograph must be of a living individual. A number of observations have been added that depict things like empty mollusc shells, dead fishes, pinned insects, etc. Whilst these are of course valuable observations, they are not eligible for the project.

3 . If the male and female of a species are sexually dimorphic, then both are valid to be added to the project. So too if a species has distinct life stages (eg caterpillar/chrysalis/butterfly), they are all valid to be separately added to the project (assuming the other rules apply). Ditto for plants; if one observation shows the first ever photos of flowers, and another the first ever of fruits, they are both ok to add to the project. Please make sure, however, that the first two rules are also followed in these cases.

The project is very much self-sustaining now, with users adding observations to it every day, and there are a number of users in particular who have added many IDs and/or added records to the project, so huge thanks to everyone involved. I'd like to especially highlight the recent efforts of @borisb, who has contributed tremendously (IDing and adding) in the world of beetles and has been a very vocal advocate for the project, letting users know each time he adds one of their observations.

Posted on February 25, 2024 12:48 PM by thebeachcomber thebeachcomber


A quick question; I am a part of a caterpillar rearing group based in South Africa. It's a project of the Lepidopterist Society of Africa, and the aim is to learn more about the life histories of African Lepidoptera. I have a decent number of observations that are the first rearings of a species. That means I'm the first person who successfully made the connection between a caterpillar and its imago. It doesn't mean that no one has ever seen this caterpillar before, or even that it's not already on iNat, but no one could've identified it before with certainty as it was not known what it turns into. Would the observations of these caterpillars fit into this project?

Posted by suncana about 1 month ago

(first as an aside, very cool efforts and so valuable)

if you find other observations that pre-date yours, and you're now able to identify them thanks to the insights gleaned from your own records, then unfortunately no, yours won't count for the project. Even though of course the IDs were possible thanks to you, this project exists independently of that if that makes sense; it's just a black and white 'is this photo the first one ever of this species' or not

Posted by thebeachcomber about 1 month ago

To recap, if my larva record is the earliest known record of its species, it can be included in the project (larva only, moths are usually known). However, if a previously unidentified larva of the same species is later discovered and dated to an earlier time, that older observation will take precedence, and mine will be removed. Yes? I don't want to mess up your project, so just triple-checking. 🙈

Posted by suncana about 1 month ago

yes that's correct :)

Posted by thebeachcomber about 1 month ago

Excellent, I have lots of additions then, I just need to go through my records. Thanks! :)

Posted by suncana about 1 month ago

awesome, look forward to seeing them!

Posted by thebeachcomber about 1 month ago

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