

May 6th Citizen Science Invasives Mapping Hike

North Mountain Park, Parked at Mountain View Park
9901 N. 7th Ave
Sunny, 80s F

iNat Mappers for the morning: @stevejones @mtluczek @alenartz and Cicely @jszalwinski @kgometz
Found majority of P. ciliare (buffelgrass) this time off the trail.
However, on our route, we first started to find P. ciliare (buffelgrass) along 7th Avenue and Peoria.
We headed north from Mountain View Park along 7th Ave to trailhead (100). Followed 100-306-100 in a wide arching loop. Covering no more than 1-1.5 miles. Found P. ...more ↓

Posted on May 8, 2017 12:30 AM by cflower cflower | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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The purpose of this project is to map and monitor locations of buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) and fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) within the boundaries of the City of Phoenix Parks, Preserves, and Natural Areas including:
South Mountain
Phoenix Mountains Preserve (Dreamy Draw, North Mountain/Shaw Butte, Piestewa, Lookout, and Shadow Mountains)
Phoenix Sonoran ...more ↓

cazca created this project on January 18, 2017
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