Mystery mines on Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata )

Here's another one I'm really hoping someone can collect and rear. The South African moth Digitivalva delaireae is being considered as a potential biological control agent for Cape-ivy in California and Oregon, but meanwhile people have been regularly observing some native(?) leafminer on this plant, and no one knows what it is. There is typically a roughly circular brown spot at the beginning, where the mine is apparently contorted or forms a tight spiral, and this suggests to me that the fly is something other than just one of the polyphagous Liriomyza species that are common in southern California. Although mines have been observed in just about every month of the year, the only one with a larva inside was found on April 11 in Marin County.

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @thetorterra, Santa Cruz Co., 1/16/2022

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @manidae, Los Angeles Co., 3/28/2020

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @marionanoiram, Marin Co., 4/11/2016 [larva present]

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @nealkelso, San Francisco Co., 4/24/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @garth_harwood, San Mateo Co., 6/4/2020

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leafphoto of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @sea-kangaroo & @leslie_flint, San Mateo Co., 6/16/2019

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @silversea_starsong, Orange Co., 7/4/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @ctrubo, Los Angeles Co., 7/18/2022

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @cynestor, Santa Barbara Co., 7/23/2022

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @dlbowls, San Luis Obispo Co., 8/9/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @cynestor, Ventura Co., 8/27/2022

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @esppim, San Francisco Co., 8/31/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @sea-kangaroo, Monterey Co., 9/18/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @danieldas, San Francisco Co., 9/19/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @gyrrlfalcon, San Mateo Co., 10/16/2019

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @conormcmahon, Santa Barbara Co., 10/18/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @bugornot, Orange Co., 11/2/2020

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @nealkelso, San Francisco Co., 11/8/2020

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leafphoto of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @nealkelso, San Francisco Co., 11/16/2020

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @nealkelso, San Francisco Co., 11/17/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @wxynez, Los Angeles Co., 12/1/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @thetorterra, Santa Cruz Co., 12/6/2021

photo of agromyzid mine in a Cape-ivy leaf @jon_sullivan, Monterey Co., 12/30/2018

Posted on October 6, 2022 11:32 PM by ceiseman ceiseman


I just found some in Hawaii, too. It seems to be the same mine.

Posted by silversea_starsong about 2 years ago

Update: A female has been reared, so we now know for sure that it's a Liriomyza:
A male will be needed to ID it to species, unless it can be identified by DNA barcoding.
...And now a male has been reared!

Posted by ceiseman 8 months ago

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