Keep On Posting Observations! & TMN Volunteer Hours

Even though midnight on April 27 is the cut-off for MAKING observations, you can still post your observations after that date, so treat yourself to a good night's rest and congratulate yourself on participating! For those who are Texas Master Naturalists, don't forget to log your volunteer hours, both in making observations and for identification and uploading!

Posted on April 27, 2020 08:39 PM by thebark thebark


Thanks for the bioblitz. Joined late (this morning) and posted an observation of Apis Mellafera, honeybee, I observed recently in my front yard.

Posted by jazua over 4 years ago

Great, and welcome! And you do not have to have joined to post whatever you photographed this April 24-27 as long as it was in the area in the map.

There will be other bioblitzes. :)

Posted by thebark over 4 years ago

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