Photos / Sounds


Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)


August 2022


This "South Coast Garter Snake" (Thamnophis sirtalis ssp.) was handled as part of my master's thesis research, which is permitted by CDFW. The snake was taking shelter beneath a bush growing out of the sandy mud of a former pool of water (a picture of the bush is included with those of the snake). Conditions were 10% cloud cover, 29.4°C, with a slight breeze. The snake was roughly equidistant (about 4 meters) from two small, fully dried up seasonal pools and a seasonal stream which still contained water. Specific data on the location will be obscured to protect this sensitive population and the privacy of associated landowners/organizations, but I found the individual in a marshy wetland in the immediate vicinity of the Santa Clara River.

Photos / Sounds


Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)


April 2022


This "South Coast Garter Snake" (Thamnophis sirtalis ssp.) was handled as part of my master's thesis research, which is permitted by CDFW. The snake was stretched out on top of mud from a dried puddle, then retreated into a large pile of downed Arundo donax (mud and Arundo pile included with snake pictures). The snake was roughly equidistant (about 4 meters) from three water sources: two small seasonal pools and a seasonal stream. Conditions were sunny, 20°C, with a slight breeze. Specific data on the location will be obscured to protect this sensitive population and the privacy of associated landowners/organizations, but I found the individual in a marshy wetland in the immediate vicinity of the Santa Clara River.