August 29, 2024


Sorry. I have been busy with a lot. You see, i have focused on....a lot of school work, as well as personal problems in regards to my mental health and work ethic. I must admit, this place has brought me a lot of joy and passion, and I'm happy I can do identification here, as well as view the photography of many talented users whom have my utmost respect and support. Thank you for providing iNaturalist with research and assistance. Though i must admit, I have been spiraling into unhealthy habits (nothing too concerning, don't worry), since this website was associated with a negative place that I still find myself hard to talk about. But I still want to do my job as a identifier as well as help user get the research grade and correct identification they deserve, even if I don't consider myself an expert yet. I needed to take a break from socializing online, as well as the internet in general, since the last two years had been filled with struggles and uncontrollable habits that only got worse. But I would say that I have been feeling a lot better and ready to get back on my toes again, since ornithology, research, and identification are still passions I value close to heart, and I want to continue my presence in this site. Thank you to all the wonderful people who have helped me with identifications as well as my own observations as well. My gratitude cannot only be expressed in words. I hope to chat and see you again the next time I help with identification. Take care and have good fortune.

Posted on August 29, 2024 11:30 PM by artificialfauna artificialfauna | 0 comments | Leave a comment

March 28, 2024

Nesting Areas (House Finches and House Sparrows)

Now, I have noticed throughout the school building there are tons of passerines flying around the trees, grass, and other areas (the school is outdoors, which is great since one can look around for wildlife while passing through classes). Since it is spring in my area, I have been hearing many house finches sing and find mates, and recently the male house sparrows started to chirp more as well. However, I have noticed that there are many probable nesting areas throughout the school and I had the pleasure of seeing two nesting locations. They are near the library, a place where I am a frequent visitor, and one nest is owned by a house sparrow pair (though I have only seen the male), and the other is owned by a house finch pair (I have seen both the male and the female). I have photos of both nesting sites, but I plan to upload them until I can get good verifications of the pairs visiting their nests. Plus, the house sparrow nest is difficult to clearly capture since it is deep in the hole of one of the hallway roofs. I am planning to track the activity of both nests. So far, no recently fledged young or eggs are visible. The birds are extremely loud so I probably won't forget (the finches are especially loud, I can hear them across the whole library, but I don't mind :)). Hope to soon upload observations and update about these nests.
~ m.g.
P.S: There is also a house finch pair near my house that loves my small tube feeder. They have been scanning my house as a probable nesting site, so I hope to see their nest as well. I have named the house finches Cherry and Mimi.

Posted on March 28, 2024 09:58 PM by artificialfauna artificialfauna | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 26, 2023


Sometimes I am still baffled at myself that I haven't subscribed to the Mallard taxon until recently. It has been approximately a week since I discovered that you can subscribe to a taxon on this site (I think), and as a frequent Mallard IDer, it still wonders me why I even hesitated to subscribe to that taxon. It would make my hobby much easier. Anyways, I plan to subscribe to other taxa, maybe Luzon Bleeding Hearts, American Woodcocks, or even many types of deer and bugs.

Posted on October 26, 2023 03:49 AM by artificialfauna artificialfauna | 0 comments | Leave a comment


I'm not sure if my brief description on iNaturalist is a good enough introduction, plus I plan to cut down some words or only put one sentence (either quote/reference or just a very short sentence) for the sake of simplicity. So, here is a better introduction about myself and what I do:

Hi, my name is Martha. I have a very interesting view of the world and like to observe things in symbolic and meaningful ways. I greatly enjoy the air, rain, trees, and wildlife Earth has to offer, since they were a significant part of my life when I was very young and still impact me today. I plan to jot down everything that I have observed throughout my years, and use this website as an archive. I especially plan to put my hummingbird observations down since I had the great pleasure to see hummingbirds transition from egg to adulthood, twice! Though for now, I am simply IDing the observations on this site, since it is a current hobby of mine. I am also working on other projects, so just you wait and see. Also, my username is a very subtle reference to an indie video game. If you can guess correctly, you deserve the world (Hint: Let's say the ecosystem has become more mechanized, from the outskirts to the depths below).

Also minor disclaimers:
1.) My observations never have the exact location, unless it is very important that I put it. It is merely a relative location.
2.) I'm planning to put old photos, but those photos might be the same as my old account on here. So if you think that I posted someone else's photo, chances are it might be the old account.

Thanks for reading. See you in the next observation I post or the organism that I identified. Have a good day!

Also here is the old description in case anyone needs it or if I delete it:
["See the sky and all the land together again"

Just a person who likes to observe the world in the most mystifying way possible. My profile is a pic of juvenile hummingbirds. I think nature is pretty neat, since I am permanently attached to the air, rain, trees, and wildlife. I hope to share my observations with you, I am planning to jot down everything that I have observed previously throughout my years. Though, don't take my username too seriously, my observations are most certainly real and not fabricated . . . I hope 🌿🖥🕊.]

Posted on October 26, 2023 03:23 AM by artificialfauna artificialfauna | 0 comments | Leave a comment
