Journal archives for October 2018

October 13, 2018

Utah Juniper vs Rocky Mountain Juniper

See associated observations: sample from both trees are shown together:
J. osteosperma sample on the left, J. scopulorum on the right.
samples taken from the observations associated with this post.

J. osteo......................................................J. scop.

single large seed.....................................2 (3) seeds

leaf margins finely...................................leaf margins entire/smooth

branchlets thicker .................................branchlets slender
stiff, chaotic.............................................less stiff, more elongate, sweeping

Range overlaps substantially, seems to be somewhat sorted by elevation but not entirely. I do not know how consistent this is. Temperature? UV exposure? Seasonal highs or lows? Soil? Moisture?
However, I have found then side-by-side more than once.

Posted on October 13, 2018 07:12 PM by chauncey chauncey | 2 observations | 1 comment | Leave a comment