Journal archives for April 2024

April 29, 2024

Dark morph/black squirrels

I have gotten very fond of the dark-furred eastern gray squirrels, as one might guess from my profile picture. I get to see them on a regular basis where I currently live, but I will be relocating very soon to the Southern Tier area of NY state and of all the things I am worried about missing, the black squirrels are very high on the list.
I have tried noodling around on the internet to try to see if there are any near where I will be living and exploring. I found an iNat project called SquirrelMapper, along with a couple of other resources, that are somewhat helpful. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to search iNaturalist for specifically dark morph squirrel observations. I wish there was an easier way to know where there are concentrations of them so I can get my black squirrel fix in different parts of the Northeast.
On the off chance that anyone is reading this at all, and on the even slimmer chance that anyone reading it knows something useful in this regard, I'm putting out a request for assistance in this endeavor!

Posted on April 29, 2024 12:05 AM by cnynaturalist cnynaturalist | 0 comments | Leave a comment
