Journal archives for November 2022

November 9, 2022

Visit: William F Sheffield Regional Park

Area seemed mostly for recreation, with man-made body of water and lots of tire tracks indicating offroading(?)

White Beggarticks positively everywhere, feeding a host of nectar-feeders and their associated predators. Was lucky enough to spot a massive American Bumble Bee and some Green Anoles, not just browns this time. Also saw some neat moths, including two similar species - Florida Oakgall Borer Moth and Texana Clearwing Moth (name from Bugguide, since it doesn't show up on iNat). Also saw several Velvet Ants, including what might be the male of one species (totally would not have guessed if iNat hadn't suggested it as the taxon).

Was interesting seeing the shift in composition as time went on. Earlier in my observations I saw lots of honey bees (didn't bother taking too many photos of them), then as time went on I saw more of the Feather-legged Scoliid Wasps. Also wish I knew a bit more about the honey bees, there were some distinctly whitish colored ones there, compared to the more golden-yellow I'm familiar with.

Probably will not visit this park again, or if I do I expect it to be rather dull once all the flowers are gone.

Posted on November 9, 2022 02:49 AM by cowpokeamericana cowpokeamericana | 122 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment