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Journal archives for December 2023

December 3, 2023

Noddle Hill 02/12/2023

This was a great walk around Noddle Hill with Hootinghoopoe, it was -4 degrees for most the morning increasing to around -1 by the time we finished. Despite the cold weather, and our in ability to walk quitely on the crunching ground, we saw a great variety of birds!

A highlight for me was 2x Kingfisher sightings, my first records of this species within the Hull City Council boundary (but only just!). Other notable sightings included 5x Tree sparrow, a Fieldfare which really made us think, and 3x Common snipe (which flew into the HCC boundary from adjacent fields).

I am really keen to go back to Noddle Hill and I will probably go again next weekend!

Posted on December 3, 2023 08:42 PM by mcmorgan06 mcmorgan06 | 0 comments | Leave a comment
