October 4, 2024

North Texas Native Seed Swap 11/09/2024

Howdy friends!
I wanted to invite y'all to the Fall NTX Native Seed and Plant swap!

From the event page:
"Join us in person at the Cedar Ridge Nature Preserve on Saturday, November 9th from 2 to 4 pm for the 2024 Fall NTX Native Seed & Plant Swap, open to native plant enthusiasts in Texas.
General Guidelines:

  • Texas native plants only; absolutely no invasive species permitted
  • Healthy plants and seeds, free of disease and pests
  • Ready to share; preferably everything labeled, seeds separated in bulk or envelopes, plants potted and/or cuttings in water
  • Terms up to you - bring for trade only or share with no exchange required
  • You're welcome to attend if you don't have anything to trade, however there are no guarantees of seed/plant availability without trade
  • RSVP here is appreciated to help plan logistics; please share with anyone not on Facebook
  • Share in the event page/comments what you plan to bring, what you hope to find, and if you have a "unicorn" that you're looking for!
  • As the event date nears, we’ll post more detailed guidance on the event page for attendees.
    Seed/plant collection ethics/expectations:
    1.) Obey all laws regarding endangered or threatened species.
    2.) Research and follow laws, ordinances, and/or rules on federal and state lands, county and city parks, and publicly accessible private preserves.
    3.) If collecting in a public right of way, such as roadsides, only collect seed or cuttings, do not dig up entire plants.
    4.) Always secure permission before collecting from private property.
    5.) When collecting wild seed, collect no more than 30% from a population."


Feel free to post about what you may be able to bring here or in the discussion area on facebook! there are a few of us that are going to post what seeds we are bringing there. I hope to see you there!

Posted on October 4, 2024 07:34 PM by robbsqd robbsqd | 2 comments | Leave a comment
