Journal archives for May 2024

May 28, 2024


The lizard on this post was saved by me today. I hope my following experience can save other poor animals from these bloody insect glue sheet!!

A) 準備工作 : 所需工具
(1) 煮食用油* 或 嬰兒油 或 油性潤膚膏 (建議是不帶香味的) *最便宜方法係買包丁麵取用其麻油包。
(2) 一支綿花棒或把樹比較新鮮的樹支頭壓成毛筆或刷狀。
(3) 一支剛性但又不尖銳的棒, 建議常備一支木咖啡棒, 也可以找附近的是樹枝

(B) 拯救程序 :
(1) 用綿化棒或樹枝做成的油刷,把油脂小心地途抹在黏住動物的部位,落油時注意避免當頭倒在動物身上或濺到其眼睛。
(2) 度油後稍等半分鐘,讓油充份滲入被黏的位置邊緣。
(3) 嘗試在黏住的位置以綿棒或樹枝刷沿被黏的邊緣輕輕推,注意爬蟲類或跳蛛等皮膚和骨架也相當脆弱,動作要輕和慢以免進一步傷及動物。
(4) 正常情況下,油脂會減低黏蟲紙的黏性,這時最好一手維持輕推,另一手利用較為剛性的木棒,也可按當時需要,以硬度比較高的枯葉片或草代替,目的是把脫離黏較的動物身體從隔開,以免動物受驚爭扎時再被黏。
(5) 把成功救出的動物移離有黏膠的樹木,以免牠們再次受困!
(6) 如獲救的動物有受傷,請聯繫想關愛護動物組織或義工,請勿自行處理。

(A) Preparation – Material:
1) Edible Oil (i.e. Olive oil, *sesame oil or peanut oil), Baby Oil or non-perfumed body lotion. *A small packet of sesame oil can be found easily inside many instant noodle.
2) A piece of cotton swab or a soft “brush” made from a twig nearby.
3) Another stiffer and thinner piece of tools, preferably with smooth or round edge.
(B) Procedures:
1) Apply oil carefully onto the area where the animal skin got stuck. If necessary, use the cotton swab or small brush. Do not pour or splash the oil over the victim and always avoid their eyes and nostrils.
2) Wait for about half minute to allow the gravity work out. Oil flow between the victim body and the glue pad. Normally, the adhesive can be neutralized or weakened by the oil soon.
3) Use the cotton swab to push stuck gently. The animal skin or feather can be very soft and fragile so please do it with care and mercy.
4) As soon as the body part is free from the glue, slide a stiffer and thinner tool such as twig or dried leaf between the victim body and the glue surface. It will prevent the animal to get stuck again especially when they are overwhelmed.
5) As soon as the animal is removed, wrap it gently with cloth or tissue paper. Clean up the oil if possible. Then relocate it to a place without the yellow pad.
6) If the animal is injured, you are suggested to contact the related animal right organization or volunteers for further assisting.

See Reference Post -

Posted on May 28, 2024 04:24 PM by sunnetchan sunnetchan | 0 comments | Leave a comment