John Zemaitis

Joined: May 17, 2016 Last Active: Oct 8, 2024 iNaturalist

I'm a total amateur, no training or classroom work, just an interest in butterflies that stems from my grandmother who used to have an 'old school' butterfly collection that I 'helped' her with as a little kid. I remember the Zebra Swallowtail was her favorite and she was fascinated by Coppers. In her honor, I started 'collecting' them in a more eco-friendly put together a family photo share. That's what led me to iNat...a facebook, I could log my findings here and figure-out what they are far more quickly and contribute as an amateur nature lover. Through iNat, my interest has expanded to birds and wild flowers as well. My SLR is with me on every hike hoping for the perfect picture of something I don't have yet. My wife jokes that it takes us twice as long to get through a trail because I'm waiting for a little Blue to 'just land already for gosh sake'!

I try hard, but definitely not perfect...happy to get advice and corrections from real scientists!

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