
Joined: Feb 11, 2021 Last Active: Oct 5, 2024 iNaturalist

Free Palestine

My pronouns are it/its/itself. Please do not refer to me with "they" or "them" or "he" or "she" or anything else.

My bicycle's rear tire is flat and all the repair shops are on the other side of town. Going to be getting it fixed once my mom has room in her car.

Currently adding Plant Phenology annotations to:

  • Diospyros virginiana

Have "finished" adding plant phenology annotations to:

  • Asimina (Genus)
  • Castanea pumila
    -Luffa (Genus)
    -Prunus mexicana

  • various other species I didn't keep track of lol

Donation link if you appreciate my hard work :)

I make fewer observations when it's cold out or when it's absurdly hot out. Or if my bike has a flat tired. For the record, riding a bike is literally 3x faster and easier than walking.

Flatland has been successfully translated into 2024 English and is free:

I created the projects "Seeds of the World!" and "Seedlings of the World!", so if you have any obvservations, wild or captive, of seeds or seedlings, please join the projects and add them! :)

All my photos and sound recordings are public domain, so you can use them for anything you want, no credit or permission needed!

If you would like me to make videos for any plants you see me commonly observe (Especially reocurring individuals), let me know, and I'll make one for youtube :)

Gonosimulism - An alternative to 'hermaphrodite' in biology:

Please feel free to @ me in observations of common and small-flower papwaws if you need help identifying them!

If you use any of my photos in a youtube video about a species, please feel free to tag me so I can see it too! I love learning more about plants! My youtube is "Twins Gardening", where I post a ton of my videos of plants and animals also seen on iNaturalist :)

I made a guide on how to identify small-flower pawpaws and tell them apart from common pawpaws and other plants they get confused for!

You can download it in various formats (PDF, epub, word document, ect) here:

And you can buy a physical copy for as cheap as I could set it here, which is $21.26:

(I meant for it to be set so you only have to pay the site to print it, so it'd be as cheap as possible at $10.63, but they won't let me set the price any lower than it is >:( Please download and check out the free version before deciding to spend money on it!)


Pronouns are it/its, I am autistic, aroace, and nonbinary :)

-What does it mean that my pronouns are it/its?

It means that when reffering to me, you should use "it" in place of "she" or "he", and "its" in place of "hers" or "his".

Here's an example:

"That's nonbinary-naturalist, it's the top identifier for small-flower pawpaws! It lives in Savannah, and is always taking pictures of birds and plants when it goes on walks or rides its bike!"

-What does nonbinary mean?

Nonbinary means not-binary. Binary means two, and in this case, the binary refers to the "gender binary" of "male/man" and "female/woman".

Someone who is nonbinary is transgender, but instead of "going from" one binary gender to the other (male to female, or female to male), they are instead a gender that isn't just male or female.

Nonbinary people can be no gender (sometimes called agender), both male and female, male or female and something else, constantly moving between genders, and anything and anywhere in between.

Anyone can be nonbinary, yes, even you reading this! There's no age limit for questioning your gender. If you don't feel that "man" or "woman" suit you, you can be nonbinary :)

I am nonbinary, and I am also aroace, otherwise known as aromantic and asexual.

-What do these words mean?

Asexual or ace = someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction, or only experiences it in specific circumstances, or very rarely. (This isn't the same thing as being celibate, which is when people /choose/ not to pursue sexual relationships, usually for religious reasons.)

Aromantic = someone who doesn't experience romantic attraction, or only experiences it in specific circumstances, or very rarely.

Aroace means you're both asexual and aromantic in some way, and for me, it means I never experience sexual or romantic attraction, nor do I want a relationship of any kind.

My orientation affects my gender identity, since I am not attracted to anyone and don't want anyone to be attracted to me.

So I like to describe my gender as being like a nonhumanoid alien who is visiting Earth for the first time, who is confused and alarmed by humans flirting with it.

My icon is a flower with a wasp on it in the colors of the aroace flag (orange, yellow, white, light blue, navy blue), and the flower petals in the colors of the xiqyne flag, which is the name I gave the way I describe my gender. It also includes the trans pride flag (blue, pink, white, pink, and blue) as the background.

Xiqyne is known as a "xenogender", or a gender that is described using metaphors or comparisons, rather than just "I'm male" or "I'm female". The xiqyne flag colors are dark magenta, magenta, sky blue, ice blue, pale green, and pale yellow. Xenogenders can be about just the way you describe your gender, or, like mine, they can combine your orientation with your gender to show a better picture of your experiences.

I am currently running a gofundme so that I can raise money to change my legal name. Here is the link if you would like to donate, any money left over at the end will go towards paying rent and other bills: It's at $200 so far, but unfortunately that had to be used to cover rent :'(


The observation that introduced me to iNaturalist -- desperately searching every way I could think to describe these caterpillars trying to identify them!

I have now finished adding plant phenology annotations to the Asimina genus :)

If you are able to add annotations to any of my observations, please do so! For a lot of species, I don't know for sure how to tell males from females or adults from juveniles, so help is welcome!


Some good comparison examples between small-flower pawpaws and common pawpaws:

Compare their stem color and leaf texture, and more subtly, the leaf shape.

Common: Light green new growth stem, very "wrinkly" leaves at the veins.

Small-flower: Light brown or yellow new growth stem, very smooth leaves, especially further back the stem where the older ones are.

This small-flower pawpaw shows the very distinct cinnamon color that the new growth takes on as the stem ages:

And here's a common persimmon to compare them both to: Notice the pink at the base of the leaf-stem.

And a hickory: Note that the leaves are actually leaflets, opposite eachother on their stem except for the one at the end. The leaves are also serrated, though you have to look closely to see it. Hickories have large leaves, and might appear to be pawpaws if you don't look for the details.

I also made a playlist on youtube of some of the small-flower pawpaws I've found, and I'll make more when I find more plants, and later in the year so you can see how they progress through the seasons.


Some resources:

Convert video to audio, for when you don't have time to wait for the app to open so you can record sound, but you can record video:


Free program you can download (Recommended if you have a lot):

Make gifs from short videos:

My playlist of videos about small-flower pawpaws:


If you live in or are able to travel to Littlestown, Pennsylvania, I will owe you a debt of eternal gratitude if you go to Littlestown Park, and take pictures of the hickory trees that grow there, in this location:

It looks a bit weird from the satellite view, but its within the boundary of the park, with a creek in the middle and the road at the edge.

My friends and I collected a lot of nuts from the trees, but it was long before I learned about iNaturalist, and I had a very basic cheap smart phone with a terrible camera, and don't have any pictures :(

There's also a black walnut tree right next to the road! And you can keep an eye out for nutria in the creek/lake, and water snakes, and hummingbirds, and belted kingfishers, and snapping turtles, and toads, and common jewelweed, and all the other things I don't have pictures of :(

An awesome video about Luffa operculata someone is growing:

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