Lewis and Clark State Park - Lewis County, WA

Lewis and Clark State Park protects one of the last vestiges of lowland old growth forest found in western Washington. Located just a few miles east of Interstate 5 between Chehalis and Castle Rock, it's easily accessible for a quick rest stop and exploration. Several years ago during a cold and rainy December I was on a nearby work project drilling core samples for environmental analysis. Having a little spare time I decided to check out the park. After driving through fields, pastures, and patches of second and third growth forest I entered into a cathedral-like experience of tall thick trunks, vaulted green ceilings, and stained glass walls of moss-draped branches. It was a striking contrast from the surrounding area. I had no time to linger; the relentless rain was falling and the short winter daylight was waning. But I made a note to return.

I returned to the Park again just this last August on my way down to view the solar eclipse from a peak near Mount St. Helens. Given my schedule, I had only 20 minutes for a short walk through the forest on an inat supermarket sweep survey. The tall branchless trunks of fir and cedar were most impressive. What I noticed was the diversity of plant life compared to that of the undeveloped parks and greenbelts around Seattle.

Time was up and I had to depart to make a late afternoon meeting time at Mount St. Helens. Again, I made a note to return and spend more time walking the network of trails through this park. Springtime should be optimal as leaves unfold and the forest floor comes to life.

Lewis and Clark State Park

Posted on October 1, 2017 05:47 PM by brownsbay brownsbay



I'll take your journal entry as a strong recommendation to visit this place.

Posted by kurtsteinbach about 7 years ago

Thanks for the great write-up!

Posted by mitchella-philogulo about 7 years ago

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