Change has come ...

... to Mackenzie Park Wilds. Well, most species will survive. For a while. And "a while" is all any of us have, whether individuals or species. The trampling and grazing of bison herds and woolly mammoths didn't kill off the species that survive in Mackenzie Park Wilds. Why should informed careful disk golfers?

Since it came out that one of the observed jaguars in Southern Arizona was killed and skinned, my expectation for the planet and the variety of life on it is even more pessimistic. And we want to spread our species out into the solar system? The non-finding of radio transmissions from far far off has led to a revision of ideas about whether we are alone in the universe and fueled new speculation that intelligent life [as we define it to include us, naturally!] is unique. I think SETI has found nothing because "intelligent" species like us poison themselves and their environment. They (we) use up resources, pollute, change climate, experience internal conflicts, overpopulate, facilitate disease, decline into addictions and apathy. The outer limit for the life span of intelligent species is probably quite short, and we may be nearing the end of ours. Maybe the life span of technological civilizations is 200 years. But enough of depressing thoughts.

We have dialog about this unique Lubbock area going on Facebook. Exchange of information and views. Everybody, feel free to join in.

Posted on July 5, 2018 07:08 PM by thebark thebark


Here''s what I posted in the Windrider Club. I'm a friend of that site and several members have signed on to the Mackenzie Wilds FB page. An exchange of DNA hopefully.

"Nobody elected me spokesperson. There are several who feel as I do but hold down full time jobs while I am more or less retired. But speaking for myself, I'm not gonna throw down my body in front of any concrete trucks. All I ask is that y'all be mindful that this is an area that was passed over by progress for many years and it preserves all kinds of biology that is hard to find. It is a lil' bit o' wilderness that is doomed to become less wild. There are uncommon if not rare plants, and they may exist in places that look like the far side of the moon. Be knowledgeable, be careful, and I'm happy."

Posted by thebark over 6 years ago

What if? We use little "Please Don't Step Here" flags to mark sensitive sites?
Not everyone will care, but i think most will, and it may help course users to tread carefully.
You might also mark nesting sites and so forth.

Posted by ellen5 over 6 years ago

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