Need to Get Sharper

It ain't New Year but I am here and now declaring a resolution: to take better photos. Most of the bird pics I uploaded today and too many of the moth pics from the last week were awful. Out of focus, slap-dash framing.

I don't have Vibration Reduction lenses and mostly don't have autofocus. But that stuff is not necessary for better pictures.

I need to focus on focus.

1, check the diopter adjustment in the viewfinder; changed glasses so who knows. #2, faster shutter speed when using my 2X 70-300 combo, at least 1/1000. #3, not gonna kill me to use a monopod. #4, quality control! Check and delete, not snap & save. #5, cultivate Shaker mentality that all work is an act of worship.

My apology to those who have good-humoredly worked with the crap I put up.

Posted on July 31, 2018 04:00 AM by thebark thebark


Are you going to the Audubon meeting on the 7th? Look for Danny Hancock. Superb photographer. Maybe he can mentor you a bit
I regret that i'll be off on vacation, or i would gladly make introduction for you

Posted by ellen5 about 6 years ago

Thank you, sensei.

Posted by thebark about 6 years ago

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