
I sprung back for a day or so. I have been busy elsewhere but have not stopped observing, recording and submitting. For me, time to complete an Observation is lengthy, as I am not satisfied with one illustration and little text and, to be honest, I like the obscure. I need to 'prove' it to myself before showing others - not exactly Citizen Science I suppose.
When last here I spent quite a while responding to others' Observations of seaweeds and may have become 'unpopular' suggesting that one picture, no descriptive text and no other evidence was no way to assert species of any any kind, let alone Marine Algae. A few people did not like my challenges.

Things appear to have slowed down here, in iNat. Not quite so many people are engaging with Observations and there seems to be far more observations needing agreements.
I do not like the way people add the first agreement without saying WHY, let alone those who disagree and say nothing! Oh yes, it takes a few extra minutes to do that. See perhaps https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/7349535#activity_comment_2850318
I came back to add three Observations and I am already VERY grateful for the interaction.

Posted on May 3, 2019 09:06 PM by dejaym dejaym


Photos / Sounds


Bonnemaison's Hook Weed (Bonnemaisonia hamifera)




May 1, 2019 03:55 PM BST


Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, 1891 The filamentous Trailliella phase
So probably NOT
Asparagopsis armata - Falkenbergia phase

This will not be an easy agree but the evidence is below - they are very similar.
Similar to


We don't have many experts for algae, so yes, most people will think that Fucus is enough as they don't know the species. Those who identificate spend hours of their own life with checking other's observations, there's no obligation in writing comments, though they're welcomed, but if an observer or anyone else have a question they always can/should ask them.

Posted by marina_gorbunova almost 5 years ago

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