Cameras down, time to ID!

Unless you're up for some raucous night botany this evening, it's pretty much pencils down for the 2019 Illinois Botanists Big Year observers!

Help Identify

Observers now have until January 15th, 2020 to upload their observations.

The winners will be announced at the Northeast Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society's Annual Chapter Meeting & Book Swap, taking place:
Sunday, January 26th, 2020 from 2PM–5PM at Thatcher Woods in River Forest, IL
More details on that here, including how to RSVP:

Thanks to so many helpful identifiers who brought our huge backload of unidentified observations from around 6000 down to just a handful.

As of today we have an astounding 39,490 observations that still "Need ID". Can you help with that backlog?

Try filtering by species you're familiar with, narrow in on your county of interest, or only show observations IDed a coarse rank, like "class". Here are the top species that need ID.

General help ID link:

Help Identify

If you want to focus on identifying observations by the top two observers (@wildlandblogger and @dziomber), here's a special link for that.

Posted on December 31, 2019 11:35 PM by bouteloua bouteloua


Oh! And want to participate in 2020? Here's the new project:

Posted by bouteloua almost 5 years ago

Here's a list of 610 plant species that are at Needs ID that don't have any RG obs for 2019.

Many are misidentified, many need to be marked captive/cultivated (aka not wild aka planted). Many are legit additions that just need confirmation. If captive/cultivated or misidentified, just delete it from the spreadsheet.

fyi top IDers @mcaple @evan8 @prairiehobbit @sedge @wildlandblogger @elfaulkner @naturalist_zeb @k2018lena @vvoelker @dziomber @eriko @taco2000 @missgreen @polemoniaceae @choess @oxalismtp @davidschwaegler @hazelnutman @thebals @lmdalessio @sedgequeen @sterrett @alex_abair @tkoffel @coreyjlange

Posted by bouteloua almost 5 years ago

For these unidentified Carex, you might ask Andrew Hipp (Morton Arboretum) to help. They tend to be young and if it's possible to ID them (many are too young) local knowledge will be important.

Posted by sedgequeen almost 5 years ago

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