Journal 3: November Ecoquest

The November Ecoquest challenge was to find the Groundsel Tree, or Baccharis halimifolia. Similarly to the October Ecoquest, I chose to research the Groundsel Tree before beginning my search. The Groundsel Tree also belongs to the daisy family and is a fall-flowering shrub and is tall with white flowers that make it stand out. I decided to go to Central Park and look there for this tree. However, after looking at many trees and taking pictures of them, I was unable to find the Groundsel Tree. Although I did not find the Ecoquest, I made twenty four observations in the month of November and will describe some of my favorite ones. First, when I was in Riverside Park, I got very close to an Eastern Gray Squirrel and got a cool picture which I was excited about. I also took a picture of what I learned to be a Japanese creeper which is a flowering plant in the grape family native to Japan, Korea and China. In addition, I found many different forms of Dicots which are flowering plants. I also got a close up picture of a House Sparrow and was really able to admire the detail of its wings. I also found Cherry Laurel in Riverside Park that I thought was pretty. Another cool finding that I photographed were fungi on Amsterdam Avenue. All of these observations that I mentioned and many more can be found on my profile on iNaturalist. Instead of getting frustrated and disappointed by not finding the Groundsel Tree, I really enjoyed finding so many other forms of nature that I never would have noticed if not for this project.

Posted on December 1, 2020 01:52 AM by abigail364 abigail364


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