Hummingbird Swamp

Hi. My wife and I purchased 50 acres of the Brockville Long Swamp Fen in late 2010, and have been amazed at the diversity and density of birds, mammals, insects and plants that make up this remarkable ecosystem.

We call the place Hummingbird Swamp because of the abundance of those little guys. They zoom around in the summertime like they own the place :)

For all the years we've lived here, I've been pestering family and friends to look at every bio-geeky thing I've found and photographed ... they've humoured me, but hopefully now I can share this location with a wider audience - and with some like-minded folks who love nature.

While this property is private, I am retired with lots of time on my hands, so I would happily host any iNaturalist who'd like to have a look at this unique location. All I ask in return is that you respect the sensitivity of the fen.

As of this post the swamp is just starting to come alive after this past winter's healthy snowpack. Most of the white stuff is now gone, as is the ice in all but the most shadowy spots.

Hopefully the green things start popping up soon.

Happy observing and identifying!

Posted on April 2, 2022 06:05 PM by strangmoor strangmoor


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