Coyotes at Ed Levin County Park

It was the day of the coyote at Ed Levin. I saw three coyotes and got some good pictures. What beautiful animals! One climbed the hill and then sat down and watched me take pictures. I was able to get recordings of the coyotes, too. That was exciting!

Some people had a doberman off-leash and off-trail. The dog was following two coyotes. I told the guy to put a leash on his dog and he cussed me out. I was wondering if the two coyotes would kill that dog?

Posted on December 19, 2022 10:01 AM by truthseqr truthseqr


Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




December 18, 2022 08:52 AM PST


There were two coyotes in this area. They were keeping an eye on a doberman that was off leash and off trail who was following them. I was wondering if they got in a fight, who would win, the coyotes or doberman?

Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




December 18, 2022 08:54 AM PST


There were two coyotes in this area. This one climbed the hill and then sat down on the grass and just watched me taking pictures.
The two coyotes were keeping an eye on a doberman that was off leash and off trail who was following them. I was wondering if they got in a fight, who would win, the coyotes or doberman?

Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




December 18, 2022 09:18 AM PST


This was the 3rd coyote I saw this morning.

Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




December 18, 2022 10:15 AM PST


These coyotes were howling in the distance (at least a couple miles away up in the hills). I tried a couple different filters to try to get the best recording.

Recorded with Tascam DR-05X.
Edited with Audacity

Recording #1: High pass filter only 500 Hz

Recording #2:

  • High pass filter: 500 Hz
  • Noise reduction: 12 dB, Sensitivity: 6, Frequency smoothing (bands): 3


Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




December 18, 2022 09:06 AM PST


Recorded with Tascam DR-05X.
Edited with Audacity according to the recommendations in the following video:

High-pass Filter:
Frequency: 500 Hz
Roll-off: 48 dB
Normalize Peak Amplitude: -3 dB
Silenced a few clicks.



Wow, amazing!

Sorry that you encountered a very rude and inconsiderate human, though.
Obviously, he was in the wrong as dogs are not permitted to be off leash in most parks.
But as for your question about whether or not two coyotes would take down a domestic dog as prey is a difficult one to answer. If the dog was quite small ( smaller than a fox let's say) than I would say that, yes, the dog would have been in danger. But a doberman is rather large and it's unlikely that any coyote would risk attacking such large prey when they have plenty of other easier food sources to go after. Coyotes typically only hunt small animals like rabbits and squirrels, and only rarely attempt anything larger when other food sources are hard to find. That being said, they may have attacked out of self defense as well, but I think they would be more likely to run away. I think it would also depend on just how aggressive the dog was behaving towards the coyotes.

Posted by ericalsf almost 2 years ago

Thanks for your insight, @erikalsf! Good point about abundant food sources. Fortunately, the dog seemed more curious than aggressive, but I was concerned for my own safety with that big dog off leash and the humans not having good control over it. I'm not sure the humans were even aware there were two coyotes in the vicinity. Frankly, I was more concerned that the dog would harm the coyotes.

Posted by truthseqr almost 2 years ago

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