Lasthenia in Monterey County, California

For now, just jotting down a few links to threads I don't want to lose track of:

Posted on May 13, 2024 12:22 PM by fredwatson fredwatson


Hi Fred,
I'm wondering if those Lasthenia growing abundantly on the coastal strand right next to the ocean in Pebble Beach are minor? I have looked for both californica ssp. macrantha and maritima there but all the Lasthenia seem to be minor at first glance.

Posted by silverpeak 5 months ago

Interesting! I'm eager to check them out. Matthews & Mitchell says ssp. californica, but perhaps they were never checked closely.

Posted by fredwatson 5 months ago

N=1 ...

Posted by fredwatson 5 months ago

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