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Bumblebees of Taiwan Island/台湾岛及周边地区的熊蜂's Journal

Journal archives for February 2024

February 14, 2024

Bumblebees of Taiwan Island - sample list (2024)

Subgenus Alpigenobombus
B. angustus

Subgenus Megabombus
B. bicoloratus
B. trifasciatus

Subgenus Melanobombus
B. eximius
B. formosellus

Subgenus Psithyrus
B. monozonus

Subgenus Pyrobombus
B. flavescens
B. nr. hypnorum - unclear species status
B. sonani
B. taiwanensis

Posted on February 14, 2024 01:53 PM by sibhedgehog sibhedgehog | 0 comments | Leave a comment
