New York Master Naturalists's Journal

Journal archives for September 2024

September 26, 2024

Master Naturalist Training 2024-09

I think I just got all my observations up from the weekend. It was a relatively small set for me, ~400 photos, because we were so busy with classes and workshops! (One day last month, I had over 1,200 photos!)

After processing, this resulted in only 66 Observations of 49 Species. However, 18 20 21 of those were new to me! So I'm happy with that.

I ws disappointed to find that most of the photos I took on "Moth Night" Saturday night (Thanks, @lamagswag!) were trashed, either way underexposed or overexposed. I was able to salvage some photos as recognizable observations. I'm not used to night photography, and I'm sure the UVs didn't make it easier on my cameras light sensor.

How about the rest of you? Any favorite observations? Cool finds?

Yours in Nature,

Posted on September 26, 2024 07:10 PM by xris xris | 4 comments | Leave a comment
