August 20, 2024

Mint Search while in the Cumberland Plateau and DC (August 2024)

Travel notes for personal future reference and possibly posterity.

Checklist of mints to find:

  • Conradina verticillata
  • Scutellaria incana
  • Mosla scabra
  • Pycnanthemum muticum
  • Agastache nepetoides
  • Stachys arenicola

Day 1

Foster Falls Recreation Area

if Pycnanthemum muticum not found:
Fire Tower Road

elif Scutellaria incana not found:
Pioneer Trail Trailhead at Cumberland Mountain State Park

  • Scutellaria incana

else go straight to Crossville

Day 2

Devil's Breakfast Table, along Daddy's Creek on both sides of Otter Creek Road

Nemo Trailhead (Emory Creek)

  • Conradina verticillata (search cobble bars)
  • Scutellaria incana

Jett Bridge Access Obed River Park

  • Conradina verticillata (search cobble bars)

Day 3

Dawkins Branch Trail, park by Victor Elementary School

Mannassas National Battlefield

Post-trip notes:

  • Mosla scabra, Perilla frutescens, Glechoma hederacea, and Clinopodium vulgare are everywhere. They are incredible invasives.
  • My suspicions about Pycnanthemum muticum being much more common in cultivation than in the wild were somewhat validated. I found my first seemingly wild population, but I found many more cultivated instances.
  • Conradina verticillata was difficult to find, and I'm not sure I would have with my sight alone. Only after stepping on a small shoot did I notice a rosemary/pennyroyal scent. It's difficult to isolate the plant when it's in a vegetative state.
  • Why has Agastache nepetoides so difficult to locate!? Top of my list of this fall and next summer.
Posted on August 20, 2024 02:52 AM by alex_abair alex_abair | 55 observations | 4 comments | Leave a comment

July 27, 2024

Mint search while in Virginia and West Virginia (June 2024)

Travel notes for personal future reference and possibly posterity.

Checklist of mints to find:

  • Agastache nepetoides
  • Blephilia ciliata
  • Callicarpa dichotoma
  • Chaiturus marrubiastrum
  • Lycopus virginicus
  • Meehania cordata
  • Monarda brevis
  • Monarda clinopodia
  • Monarda didyma
  • Pycnanthemum incanum
  • Pycnanthemum torreyi
  • Scutellaria saxatilis
  • Scutellaria serrata

Charlottesville City Limits

Ragged Mountain

Pycnanthemum incanum

Lycopus virginicus

Rivanna Trail

Lycopus Inaccurate
Hedeoma pulegioides Inaccurate

Avon Street Ext.

Pycnanthemum torreyi

Skyline Drive

Jarman Gap

Scutellaria serrata

Doyles River Overlook

Monarda clinopodia (one mile away from first site if necessary)

Scutellaria serrata (two miles away from first site if necessary)

Frazier Discovery Trailhead

Monarda clinopodia

Ivy Creek Overlook

Chaiturus marrubiastrum possible vegetative

Hightop Summit Trailhead

Monarda clinopodia

Bootens Gap

Monarda clinopodia

Hazeltop Ridge Overlook

Monarda clinopodia no uncertainty recorded

Harry F. Byrd, Sr. Visitor Center

Pycnanthemum (check cultivation status of some unlikely occurrences)


Hawksbill Gap

Monarda clinopodia

Old Rag Fire Road

Chaiturus marrubiastrum

Monarda clinopodia

Monarda didyma

Beahms Gap Overlook

Chaiturus marrubiastrum possible vegetative

Elkwallow Picnic Area

Scutellaria saxatilis

38.775230, -78.211046 "Saxatilis Ridge"

Scutellaria saxatilis

Smoke Hole

Monarda brevis and Blephilia ciliata throughout

Smoke Hole roadside hills 1 ( 38.855281, -79.280888 )

  • Park at the turnoff and search hills

Smoke Hole roadside hills 2 ( 38.867196, -79.271652 )

  • Park at the turnoff and search hills

Smoke Hole roadside hills 3 ( 38.888515, -79.250489 )

  • Park at the turnoff and search hills

Big Bend Campground

  • Go up hill

Redman Run Trailhead

  • Hike on the eastern trail

Cranberry Glades Botanical Area

Meehania cordata

Cranberry Glades Boardwalk

Cow Pasture Trail to Cranberry Glades Observation Tower

Notes after the Trip

Posted on July 27, 2024 10:03 PM by alex_abair alex_abair | 100 observations | 2 comments | Leave a comment

June 2, 2022

Python script that counts the number of photos a user has uploaded.

I've often been curious about how many photos I've uploaded and how many photos I take per observation. There is no way to do that through the website, so I used python, iNat API, JSON, and a dozens of small tips from people on stackoverflow to make that happen. The python script works well for any user with less than 10,000 observations. Any user with over that number is limited to stats for just the most recent 10,000 observations. It's not efficient code, but if you want to look anyone's photography habits, try out this code:

Posted on June 2, 2022 06:18 PM by alex_abair alex_abair | 0 comments | Leave a comment

December 29, 2020

URL strings useful for IDing.

I recently ran out of IDs to make on curatorial projects that I've been working on. I'd gone through all 12k observations in my Florida Mint Monitoring Project, and I figured I'd seen all of the Florida mint observations available on iNat.

But then I was thinking about all the mint observations that were stuck in "Dicot" ID limbo. Those observations tend to be stuck at a high level ID for a long time (sometimes even years). After reading this post by @tiwane et al. in the iNat forum, I learned about a whole bunch of useful url string tools. The following url allowed me to search for Florida observations that had at least one ID as something in Lamiaceae but had consensus IDs that were anything but Lamiaceae:

The "ident_taxon_id=" and "without_taxon_id=" strings opened up a big set of great mint observations that were just waiting to be nudged towards the correct ID. I'm writing this post in case you're in a similar boat with your organisms and are looking for a way to find those hidden observations. Check out the rest of the useful url strings here.

Posted on December 29, 2020 08:36 AM by alex_abair alex_abair | 6 comments | Leave a comment
