Taxonomic Swap 138835 (Committed on 2024-02-09)

See discussion here

P.royenii sensu stricto was given to Puerto Rico and VI Pilosocereus but there are hundreds of observations identified as such all over the Neotropics and the Caribbean. There have never been any P.royenii outside the Puerto Rican Bank (when it was a valid species), it is also now as a syn. of P.polygonus it is only restricted to a single island (Hispaniola). Puerto Rican Bank Pilosocereus are now P.armatus.


Added by stevemaldonadosilvestrini on February 4, 2024 10:19 PM | Committed by stevemaldonadosilvestrini on February 9, 2024
replaced with


I do not agree with the above information, P. royenii seems to have a more or less less blue for sort of aqua on PR. A very blue form on Virgin Islands. Also don't agree combining polygonus with royenii.

Posted by brcacti 8 months ago

@brcacti We are not combining P.royenii with P.polygonus here but rather making all P.royenii = Pilosocereus. I implore you to read the articles cited to understand why this change is happening, it has little to do with morphological characters and more to do with taxonomic messes. The material of the Puerto Rican Bank is now names Pilosocereus armatus. P.royenii is now a synonym of P.polygonus as it preceded the naming of Puerto Rican Bank material with said name. Furthermore P.royenii sensu lato was strictly a PR Bank species before, and here you can see how they have named columnar cacti from all over the Neotropics with that name, a crass error.

Posted by stevemaldonadosil... 8 months ago

I really don't see any need for all this "confusion". I understand it all as it currently is and don't understand why you or others would be confused. I think this is needless confusion.

Posted by brcacti 8 months ago

I implore you to read the papers cited for the change to understand. iNat follows POWO KEW taxonomy and in there P.royenii is a synonym of P.polygonus.

Posted by stevemaldonadosil... 8 months ago

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