Taxonomic Swap 146832 (Committed on 2024-09-13)

New name for Smicromyrme suberrata after recent paper with sex association

Added by kevinwilliams on September 13, 2024 03:50 PM | Committed by kevinwilliams on September 13, 2024
replaced with


Can we know the reference?

Posted by rafael_carbonell 27 days ago
It's this recent paper: MATIAS, R., 2024. The subgenus Astomyrme Schwartz, 1984 in the Iberian Peninsula: associating Physetopoda pusilla (Klug in Waltl, 1835) with Smicromyrme suberratus Invrea, 1957, and description of the hitherto unknown female of S. matritentis (Mercet, 1905)(Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Zootaxa, 5480(1), pp.1-62.

Posted by kevinwilliams 27 days ago


Posted by rafael_carbonell 27 days ago

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