
POWO appears to be mistaken in placing Hieracium horridum in genus Pilosella. Hieracium horridum is endemic to western North America (California, Oregon, Nevada). All of the references I have been able to find online agree that Pilosella is an old world genus which is represented by several exotic and invasive species in North America.
Current regional floras covering the area where Hieracium horridum is found all agree on placing it in genus Hieracium. These floras do also place invasive species in genus Hieracium, but note that others consider them to be part of genus Pilosella.

Flora of North America (2006)
Jepson eFlora (2012)
Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist (2017)
Flora of the Pacific Northwest (2018)

Bräutigam & Greuter (2007) A new treatment of Pilosella for the Euro-Mediterranean flora
Gaskin & Wilson (2007) Phylogenetic Relationships Among Native and Naturalized Hieracium (Asteraceae) in Canada and the United States Based on Plastid DNA Sequences
Moffat et al (2015) Morphology delimits more species than molecular genetic clusters of invasive Pilosella
Wilson (2007) Key to Identification of Invasive and Native Hawkweeds (Hieracium spp.) in the Pacific Northwest

Posted by twr61 about 5 years ago
Posted by bouteloua 4 months ago

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