Taxonomic Swap 91671 (Committed on 2024-02-23)

Hold on this swap pending discussions here:

Added by kitty12 on April 19, 2021 02:23 PM | Committed by stevemaldonadosilvestrini on February 23, 2024
replaced with


Please see before committing:

Posted by kitty12 over 3 years ago

This taxon swap has been pending for 3 years. The discussion cited is not pertaining only this specific taxon but rather the general split of Hyptis. But not only does POWO has done the split of Mesosphaerum from Hyptis but also other trustworthy databases such as GBIF. I've committed to it because both taxa were present on iNat and we should strive to only have one. If it changed back to Hyptis pectinata we can resurrect that name and trade it, rather than having two distinct names for the same species.

Posted by stevemaldonadosil... 8 months ago

Glad this is resolved.

Posted by kitty12 8 months ago

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